Sunday, October 26, 2014

So rock me momma like a wagon wheel...

What an eventful week it has been! And very exciting, too!

I was super excited to see my Uncle Pete, I truly enjoy his company. He looks out for me and imparts so much helpful information its hard to not want to spend more time with him and hope it will all sink in through osmosis or something.

He got in on Monday and we went to dinner at The Fort in Morrison - finally using the $100 gift certificate I won a while back. It was an interesting little place that was clearly confused in its identity... It had all sorts of different foods like bison, quail, duck, lamb, etc, but a lot of it had a mexican twist, but it was very high-end and fancy... just strange. Then they must just want you to spend forever there -- they bring you just a booze and app menu. Once you order and food has been put in then they will bring you the entree menu, and continues like that. Oh and they seriously need to better describe their food temps -- med rare looked freshly butchered... even I cannot do that. But overall pretty great night.

Wednesday night I cooked for him at my place -- totally butchered the rice pilaf because I was in a hurry... rice is one of those really obnoxious foods... maybe one day I will just invest in a rice cook and be done with it. Uncle Pete had won Pearl Jam tickets at the Pepsi Center. We had amazing seats!! And it was a THREE hour show of just Pearl Jam rocking out. So freaking great! I was very impressed, it was a great time.

Thursday we had lunch together and I need to remember the name of the bourbon he was drinking because I need more of that in my life NOW lol. It was so nice to get so much time with my uncle. I definitely need to go visit him soon, especially since I have yet to see him new place, many years later. It is pretty awesome to have a mentor who is also a family member, I am pretty blessed.

Thursday night I went to the Broncos game. I can finally check an NFL game off my bucket list and we definitely did it right with Club level seats, it was really a great time! Minus the fight that ensued afterwards in the parking lot... and subsequent hospital visit. Thankfully not for me, but still. All in all, though, I would say it was a pretty damn awesome night!

Friday night I kicked some serious butt at washers as Paula's house. I miss her and Brad... my Colorado parents haha. They are so great. They are so giving -- I mean Brad cooked 10 pounds of wings and got to eat ONE! And was totally stoked about it. They are so adorable.

On other notes: I am doing a pretty great job of keeping up with my exercise. Been to the gym 3-4 times a week and usually walk or something else at least one more day a week. My gym membership came with a challenge to make it to the gym 36 times in the first 90 days and I will get Jan - March free... so you bet your butt I am determined to make that happen.

I am failing at maintaining my nutrition schedule... so I have decided to adjust my goal tracker and pay myself for eliminating dairy. Additionally, I am going to try and only eat gluten 2-3 times a week, which I think is reasonable. So I will see how this acknowledgement and adjustment work out.

I am already for Halloween!! And cannot wait. Reading A LOT! Have another crazy week coming up, but am very excited for it.

Mind is clearly wandering now... guess its time to shut down, read a little more and head to bed.

Night all!! Keep a look out for a private message from me soon with some big news!

Lots of love!

OO YEAH! I forgot I got a car this weekend! Specialist Bush is the shit and traded me her car for a couple meals! Super excited about it all-- but more next time.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Open Heart

Normally my posts are a little chaotic, jam packed with the happenings of the last week or several weeks, but today, I just want to focus on this weekend.

It was a fabulous weekend.

I am working toward a successful launch at work.

Friday, I finally got to see HoneyHoney, and oh man what a show! I swear I could listen to them all day long. And Pati Fiasco, who performed before them, were pretty damn great, too!

The weather has been outstanding for motorcycle riding, which I could not be more thankful and grateful for... being as which that is my only mode of transportation.

Saturday, I spent the day at a seminar learning with a Jeffery Combs a millionaire multiple times over. He taught about understanding how our stories get in the way and the necessity of setting up simple systems. Most importantly, he spoke of opening your heart and being a person who truly cares about others. How important it is to truly be intrigued by others and have a strong desire to learn about and understand the human race and its individual beings.

I am on this path to better myself in as many ways as I can and I resonated with a lot of things Jeffery said. That was easily the best $20 I have spent in a long time. I look forward to surrounding myself with more people who pay attention to energies and whom actually are engaged, present, and also looking to better themselves and the world they live in.

Today, was great. I have been doing my best to be up and out of bed by 7am... today however, everything just said I needed to sleep in so I did just that. From about 9:30-11 I got a little work done and them headed downtown for a great mediation class. I think it might be something I commit to (around the pats/broncos football schedule obviously). It was very energizing and we passed out some food to the needy afterwards, which was refreshing and rewarding. I have decided I am going to look into working with my new friend Christian, who ran the events I attended on Saturday and Sunday to help align me better with my purpose and where I want to go.

After a nice long ride in the sun I received a great surprise invitation for a hike with the ever so fabulous Specialist Bush, that I could not turn down. We had a wonderful afternoon catching up, I am sure going to miss her while she is gone, but an already looking forward to planning all sorts of crazy shenanigans for when she returns.

With a great Broncos game, and pretty awesome new gloves for the bike, my weekend has been top notch for sure.

And on an even better note: I am soo looking forward to this week my uncle is coming into town. He is truly my guide and mentor in life. I look to him for advice, to blow off steam, and generally as a little bit of a hero. I love that I have such amazing people to surround myself with no matter where I go.

Thank you all for being a part of me, and helping me be better everyday. You all have a piece of my heart.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Don't Stop; Won't Stop

Once again, I found myself jumping in to about 9000 things at one time. Working out, eating well, getting back to my goal/task charts - trying to make those charts something I can sell off to people. I had thought about trying my hand at the internet marketing thing. There is this competition going on where you could win a week on Sir Richard Branson's island learning from some amazing people. However, I am not 100% happy with my charts and how they work, so I have not jumped head first into that. I really think the Internet Marketing Business is a good idea, since I really need to understand who I am trying to sell to better.

Really starting to get frustrated with myself at the day job... not making sales yet, but I am kind of kicking butt in organizing and keeping our JV launch on point. I am excited to rock this and then jump into a bunch of other things like working on our SEO, learning more about adwords, and then working to find the exact pain points of potential customers to work on expanding our market to more small business professionals offline.

I joined the gym (did pretty great the first week) hoping I can keep it up. I have a lot of Physical Therapy work I really need to adhere to for my joints -- knees, hips and shoulders specifically. I am determined to build up my muscles for my birthday tattoo pictures. Ideally, when I come home (already bought my tickets!!) I hope to get a couple touch ups done. Hey CT and Boston you better watch out the next time you see me because I will be packing! ;-)

On the food front I had a bit of a slip... My nutritionist jokingly said something along the lines of if you want to add Gluten back in your diet, just go have a bunch of pizza and beer. haha. Well I took that line a little to seriously and had pizza three times in one day... problem being that I have issues with some of the other food I ate and have been eating... so I have to take a huge step back starting tomorrow and try it again the right way! So back to no booze, no gluten, no dairy, etc for at least 5 days and then systematically add things back in. On a positive and in the potential for an over share... the only real issue I have been facing is gasiness, which is still a major improvement from the past. If only I could get myself to meal plan I would be in much better shape... But then again that would require me going shopping... which is a little difficult currently...

Having only a motorcycle is great... and difficult. I really appreciate the mornings I can go for a ride and start my day with sun shine, music, mountain views and the wind in my hair. However, if I need to buy anything its about 3 things at a time. I will figure it out eventually. Hopefully, I should still be getting a car at the end of the month so fingers crossed on that one.

I am in the process of getting myself ready to volunteer with the hospice program at the nursing home across the street from me. I feel like I have been doing quite a bit of taking lately and I feel the need to give back. I am worried about my grandma and I feel like this will be my round about way of being there for her. I will be so happy to spend time with her in December.

I have an awesome new endeavor in the works, but I am not ready to share too many details just yet. You should all be ready for some stop you in your tracks news from me over the next couple months! :-P

For now, see you on the flip side!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Holy Crow Where Did The Time Go??

Things have been absolutely hectic over the last few months and I just completely got lost in my self and life.

I am trying to get back to my goal charts and what not, hence this random last minute Blog post out of no where.

I am in new my place, and I really love it. Pole is set up in the office/exercise room... going to force myself to get on it next week. Projector is set up in the living room above my fire place. Little grill and table and chairs are set up on the balcony. And my little window seat over looking the day care center is one of the few places I get decent reception in the house.

I am officially only working ONE job! How crazy is that?!?! I still need to make a sale... things have changed a bit since I started, but we are figuring it out. I think this week will be the changing point as I am getting a lot of information from the team and outside sources that will help me do amazing things. I have high hopes and expectations of myself and am know once I get some more things figured out, I will be able to rock this.

The Buick was giving me all sorts of stupid problems once again... so I got pissed and posted it on craiglist as kind of a hmph I will show you kind of response; and forgot that I did it... then I started getting people texting me about the car. I had a mechanic look at it and he told me if someone wanted to give me more than $2000 for it, take it and run! It needed a bunch of work (I managed to get some of it done for free before I sold it, so I didn't feel so creepy.) So I took the money and ran... Which let me pay off the $8000 portion of the loan I took for the Car in Feb of 2013 which felt pretty awesome. Now I just have the credit card portion to pay back down... hopefully to be complete by this time next year...

With some of the money I went and bought my first motorcycle after a full decade of having my motorcycle license. Its a 2006 Honda Rebel - little 250cc engine, but it fits me nicely, especially for a first bike. It is in pretty great shape, so there should be no reason that I cannot recoup the money I paid for it, if I want to sell it and trade up next season.

I know some of you think I am crazy and are wondering about what I am going to do for a car. Well in October a friend of mine who is in the Guard is headed to Guantanamo Bay, so she is going to sell me her car for super cheap. Ideally, it will get me through the whole year and by this time next year, I can either give it back to her, or trade it in for a new to me car.

Some other awesome things... I bought my first set of snowboard gear -- still need to buy a pass, but might need to wait until my first commission check for that... we shall see. Snow making starts in about 2 weeks though, so I feel like I need to figure it out much sooner rather than later. I invested in this great seminar entitled 6 Figures in 12 Months, which is part of what I know is helping me turn things around at work, plus I have all of this awesome information in my pocket for when I eventually want to start my own business.

I have a bunch of reading I want to do to and set up in the Kindle. I also decided to apply to help with the hospice patients across the street. I feel like I need to start giving back. I have a book to read, to get a better idea of what I am in for, but I figured it would at least look into it. OO and I also, am participating in my first Fantasy Football Team. It has been pretty exciting so far. And I am in charge of my first Contest in Toastmasters. I feel like I am in a little over my head as I only gave myself 2 weeks really to plan it, find help, etc. but working under pressure is always fun.

I am a little bit ill today, so that is about all I have... I am ready to go curl back up in bed with lots of covers. Might have to go invest in some Sleepy Time Tea tomorrow.

OO and lastly, I really want to start Traveling and there have been some amazing deals online for tickets... so if you want to go somewhere, meet me somewhere, etc lets talk abd plan something together. I do not really have the money for it, but I also know life is short and sometimes you just need to have fun. Besides my credit is pretty kick ass, I just got approved for the BLACK CARD!! Granted I need to tell them to go kick rocks with their $500 annual on a $5000 limit -- I thought the Black Card had no limit...tricksters.

Woohoo just earned $2 toward that pass! Have a great night!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Life Moves Faster Than We Think

Holy Crow -- Once again I had to look back to see just how long it has been since I have posted... and wow... 2 full months to the day almost... Craziness. Time flies when you're having fun I guess.

So many things have happened, are going on, and are on the way to change it is hard to even know where to start. So here goes nothing...

- I was offered a raise and promotion of sorts at the new job. I am now responsible for the sales and marketing. This includes being responsible for the financial well-being of the company, selling the software, and then selling the service we are still in the midst of figuring out. It is fun and exciting and challenging. I am working from home, doing a bunch of networking, and learning a lot in many realms.

- My last day at Taft was in June. It kind of seems weird to be ending a 6 year business relationship, but I am happy to be moving on. Mostly because I kept forgetting to do the work and it was causing me all sorts of extra, unnecessary stress. Of course, Lisa (my boss) asked me if I really wanted to give it up, and to at least consider coming back once I am settled... haha

- I am technically done with the club, but they are very short on staff, so I got asked to work yesterday, which was fine. I really enjoy working at the club, it is always entertaining and I love the people I work with. Plus the money is pretty decent. But the prospect of no more working till 3 am and only have one job really is awesome!

- So what am I going to do with all of this freedom?? Try to not completely fill my schedule back up! lol I keep thinking about going back to play with the puppies, teaching gymnastics, volunteering with my networking groups. There are so many things I want to do, but I first need to figure out my routine with the job, start making some sales and get into a groove. So really I will be focusing hardcore on myself and my new career.

With that being said let's jump into SELF:

- Due to some recent unhappiness with where I am at mentally, physically, emotionally, etc... I started a crusade to get myself all moving in the positive direction my career is going. I started physical therapy again for my shoulders (and have actually been trying to keep up with it). I have been getting out on my bike a couple times a week. A friend of mine put together a work out schedule for me. I am starting kick boxing classes. I have been seeing a therapist (although I apparently am not medically in need so that isn't going to last very long... thank you kaiser). I dished out an exorbitant amount of money to get some special blood testing and to work with nutritionist to really figure out my diet issues. So starting Tuesday (I already had dinner plans on Monday that I did not want to skip) I will be back on yet another elimination diet. I will be exercising. And most importantly I will be keeping track of all of this. It sounds exhausting. But I am determined to feel good and get myself on track.

- I have set a goal that for my 30th birthday in February I want to submit photos to INKed Magazine of my tattoos, which means I have to be fit and feeling great... So LET'S DO THIS! Ideally I would like to have a little bit more work done, but that all depends on how awesome I am kicking but at work or not.


- Logan and I put things on hold. We are both on two amazing paths of growth, but they are just on different planes. He is pretty amazing and we are still going to hang out and what not, but in order for us both to get where we want and need to be, it is for the better right now. Who knows what can happen down the line :-)

- My lease is up Aug 5, I just put in my notice to leave my apartment complex. With the new job I am driving all over the place and being in Boulder is becoming difficult on my mental stability with all the traffic. Plus my car is not so happy about it either. I have been looking for a two bedroom apartment for myself because I need an office. It can sometimes be difficult to work at home as distractions are so easily available. I figure if I can lock myself into a room, I will be much better off. Finding an apartment, however, if turning out to be quite difficult, so now I am contemplating finding a roommate and renting an entire house... now if only I could find someone who was clean that I get along with and wouldn't mind sharing a house with... Any takers?? Side note: I am so not looking forward to moving again! I think this is why the house option is appealing to me, maybe I would stay longer...

- Some cool things: I went paragliding, which was pretty awesome. Had my first Colorado camping trip and had a blast (might need to go buy some gear soon). Already putting my Elitch's pass (amusement park in Denver) to good use - been three times so far and cant wait to go again. Went to my first Rockies game, sooo lame! Colorado seriously has no idea how to do baseball! Did my first hike of the season the other day. Tonight I am checking out the drive-in theater for the first time. And tomorrow I am going on my first bike ride brewery tour :-)

Well I think that is all the major stuff... I have officially been distracted falling in love with houses... Bagh this is going to be a very interesting month... Hopefully I will do a better job at keeping you updated through out the process. Until next time <3 p="">

Monday, May 5, 2014

Where is Everyone?!

Hey aren't so of you guys supposed to be keeping track and yelling at me for updates?? I guess I need to find a way to better motivate myself to write... I stare at it on my earnings list and am like I will get to it... then never do. So before I could do that again this week, I figured I would get my head out of the sand and get to it. It is amusing because I always look back to my last post to see where I left off... and the title surely did not last very long... whoopsies.

Things have been absolutely amazing and hectic in the same instant. Weeks are flying by without even a blink of an eye. On one hand its been a blast, on the other I truly wish everything would slow down so I could A) keep up; B) process everything that has happened; and C) simply appreciate it all a little more.

As mentioned above I would normally start where I left off, but I am a bit too scattered brained today to read through it all so I shall just start rambling and hope something productive comes of it. Better to write something, than nothing at all, right?

The end of April/beginning of May have brought a ridiculous amount of awesomeness!!

1) With any luck I will close my first sale from lead to customer this week.

2) I am going to A LOT of networking events -- not all are good, but I am definitely feeling much more comfortable and think I am making some good connections.

3) I have gotten my weekends back (mostly) and utilizing them to the max and I could not be more thankful. I have really started to bloom some amazing friendships here that I am absolutely grateful for.

4) Logan and I have made things official and I am really enjoying being in a real relationship. Everything is still new and we have lots to learn about each other, but he seems to kind my crazy OCD quirks oddly endearing. His laid back style has definitely helped me to loosen the reins a little bit.

5) The roommate and I get along mostly well for the most part -- he also does surprisingly well with my very strict nature when it comes to certain things and is good enough about taking everything else in stride.

6) I keep trying to work myself out of Taft, but they keep finding more things for me to work on... which is fine enough I guess. Mind as well bank as much money as possible before I move.

7) I really need to start narrowing down WHERE I want to live next in CO. With all of the networking events I am doing, I am driving a lot and its starting to get frustrating having to drive an hour places thanks to crazy traffic.

8) Additionally, this is really making me buckle down and try to pay off the personal loan I took out for my truck and credit cards because I really would like to downsize my vehicle exponentially, but I
refuse to take on a car payment with a fairly large loan payment on top of student loans.

9) This week I will start in with the many docs I need/want to see to hopefully get me back in a positive healthy state of being. I still want to start seeing a therapist or something simply because there is a lot going on and I have slipped into not great places a few times since I have been here and I would really like to avoid any further major breakdowns. I'm starting to be concerned my ulcers are back so yea that will be fun. And hopefully between some probably really expensive allergy testing and a nutritionist I can help get a better handle on this Fibro stuff and my persistent exhaustion.

10) Along the same lines I seriously need to find a workout partner because I truly do not push myself hard enough nor do I hold myself accountable when I do not uphold my plans or even ignored desire to work out.

11) I am taking a couple courses online right now, in part for me and part for my job and I am pretty excited about what is to come from the one entitled Better Leader, Richer Life -- you should all check out it has some many great FREE courses to take.

Tried out a slightly different style than usual. Just trying to keep my thoughts in order and concise. I hope I am just suffering from allergies and its not another cold going on, but my head has been a bit fuzzy all day. Well its been a productive day today and have a very full week ahead.
Hoping to check in more often, but we all know I have said that before.

Take Care,


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Putting in a Little More Effort

Putting in a little more effort does not just go for this post, but life in general. The last few weeks have been pretty stressful, blah, and left me feeling out of touch. With all of the simultaneous changes... new job with complete different working life (HUGE CHANGE), worrying about a new health insurance plan, having to start thinking about moving in August, new roommate (after not having one for 2 months), post visitor from home blues, etc... I think I just shut down.

Thankfully, I am the type of person that notices these things about myself. Now I know I need to get help for a lot of the things going on right now, especially health wise, but with new insurance starting May 1st, it would be financially unwise to start seeing or go to a current doctor since my current deductible hasn't been met yet (although I am sure I am very close already) and it would all just be out of pocket expenses. So what is a month...

A slight varied version of that same question is currently applying to multiple areas of my life. Example: My lease is up at the beginning of August and I need to find a new home. So my roommate search ended up being much less thorough than usual because I was kept saying, "What is four months?" New roommate is nice enough, it is just his first time ever moving out of his childhood home... and he turns 21 tomorrow, so he is still VERY young. There are little things as always... he leaves ALL of the lights on in the house! Thankfully, after a same talk he is at least getting better with that. He is SUPER paranoid. We live in probably one of the safest towns ever and in a VERY safe neighborhood... yet he will close and lock the windows and doors every time he leaves. I just figure if someone wants my stuff that bad they are welcome to it, I have renter's insurance.

Ah and this move!! It is very hard decision to make of where I want to be. A very big part of me wants to find a one bedroom in a town half way between Denver and Boulder to make my sales calls easier. But if that is the case then I definitely want to be in a place with good amenities like a pool, gym, common area with wifi, etc. Lately, however, I keep visiting all of these adorable little places and think how nice it would be to get a small two bedroom home in a quaint little neighborhood where I can become a local somewhere lol. OO decisions, decisions!

The next couple months example is with Nitro. I really love working there, but as of late it is more a waste of my time than anything. We are having to cut off a lot of people a lot earlier than we normally would and kick them out because the liquor board is on a rampage in downtown. Which is having a VERY serious negative affect on my tips. This in conjunction with me moving I have put in my last day as July 31. Sometimes it seems soo close and other times it seems soo far away. I really love the people I work with and will undoubtedly still hang out with them... but I am so happy at the prospect to not have to work until 3am!!

The new job is going great. I love my team and they are very helpful and supportive. The software is frustrating me a bit, but I think this will also be helpful to the team for ways to simplify it for our end users. The very exciting part is that I can use the software at this job to help me with the part-time marketing job that I have! What a wonderful added benefit! There seem to be so many. I am so thankful they are taking a chance with me and greatly look forward to jumping in and getting my feet wet and helping to grow this business. The working from home part is definitely a reason I want the common area with wifi or the second bedroom while apartment searching. I have discovered that I really need to set a time and place for my work and stick to it. Although, I did work from a cafe the other day and that was pretty nice... maybe I will work that in one day a week for some variety.

Then there is the addition of Logan into my life. What a fun and interesting adventure this as been. I swear life will never let me work on one thing at a time. I saw I am only going to focus on my health... all of a sudden I have two jobs that land in my lap and a pretty awesome guy. Things are still very fresh and there is a lot of getting to know each other that needs to be done and who knows it has serious relationship potential. But, it has been great getting to know him so far, spending time with him, and having someone to do stuff with.

On some other random notes:
1) I bought a month's worth of parkour classes and open gyms. I am thoroughly not surprised at how out of shape I am. But it is a blast and the owners offered me a free trial of aerials!
2) Once I am down with this month of parkour I have a month of aeiral classes at another gym I am planning on utilizing.
3) The new roommate used to be a pole instructor so I am hoping he will help motivate me to get back onto the pole.
4) I am kicking butt in Toastmasters - on track to get my Competent Communicator and Leadership Manuals completed before June 30, which is really great for my club.
5) Additionally in Toastmasters, I have no won the club, area, and division Table Topics speech contest and will be performing at the District Conference in MAY!
6) I am soo excited to come home at the end of May -- party at my aunt and uncles Friday night, helping with the Big, Big Show Sat am, wedding Sat night, Block Island all day Sunday, fly back home Monday! Its going to be great!!
7) I really hope some more people come to visit me!

Ok I am losing focus so I guess I am down for today! Have a great one! Until next time...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Pre work quick update

As promised here is an update and recap.

Travis visit was awesome!
We stayed up entirely too late Friday night catching up a bit. Saturday we headed to The Buff for breakfast because how can you not introduce your friends to mimosas and bloody Marie's on tap?? That was followed up with an interesting food convention. That was followed by a nice pub tour of boulder. Sunday was a bit of snow boarding followed by a lot of relaxing. It was a beautiful day. Monday night we did saw a couple breweries and Tuesday we tested out the fat shack... So good and bad at the same time. Wednesday was Travis' last day in town so we people watched at red rocks, checked out a tiny little brewey in golden, hit up the casino and then had dinner in Ned. All in all it was a great visit and I am so thankful he came to visit!

On other fronts. I had my last day at work. It kind of came and went without much muss and fuss. I finally found a roommate. He is young!! First time out if his parents house but he seems nice enough, works a lot. And the best part is he used to teach pole fitness so I'm hoping he will help me get my ass back into shape. Along those same lines I bought a groupon for parkour classes and open gyms and another one for aerial so let's do this thing. And finally on this quick update before I have to go sling drinks... I am seeing someone. His name is Logan, he is 31, 6ft4 and an absolute sweet heart. He is in the  process of opening a hot sauce company with his brother, and then works at two of the bars downtown. Still in the beginning stages, but it's nice so far. An on that note, I finish my wine and head into work. Till next time!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Just a Quickie to Get Paid

Hey all!

Well I feel like there is still soo much I need to tell you, but I am short on time... so a full update may need to come tomorrow. However, I needed to squeak in something because my week for earning potential ends on Saturday and I want to make sure I make my quota!

So Travis' visit was absolutely awesome! It was soo great to have someone who knows me so well around. We did a bunch of stuff... I will lay it all out for you later.

I may have found a roommate... at this point I am being the complete opposite of picky... My rent goes up exponentially as of April 2, so I am in serious need of someone to split the rent with me. The cool part was that my boss did let me sign a lease through the beginning of August so that should give me some time to get adjusted in the new job, save some money, and spend quality time looking for a place that is going to work for me... so hopefully I don't have to move again in a year!

Leaving Legacy has been a lot easier flowing than I had thought. I have been super busy with life stuff and so is pretty much everyone else at work... so I am kind of just getting to teeter out. I think they also assume because I will be on property they don't have to freak out... We shall see how this all works out.

I have basically two dates lined up for this weekend with the same guy, which I am really excited about. He is really nice, but also a smart ass so there is a good balance.

I have so many things coming up and that will all be listed out in the next edition. The biggest two excitements are getting to sleep in tomorrow and monday! I feel like I haven't slept in ages!! And on that note I have to go get ready for date #1... till next time!

Monday, March 24, 2014

SO Much Going On!!

So we last spoke, if you will, on Saturday the 15th. I had run a race with my co-workers and was getting ready to start partying. The party was fun. I got away for a little bit with Liam and Candy, which was great getting to know them. I didn't spend too much time with Tony, which ultimately was probably better for me, but it was very nice to see him. And ultimately, after waking up super early on no sleep and starting drinking at 12pm after not having drank in almost a month... I managed to stay up till about 10:30 then I cozied up into bed, which I am thankful for. I missed out on fights and a couple other random dramatic things that I am sure I wanted nothing to do with.

Sunday I got up nice and early and cleaned up for Bill. He put on such a great party he shouldn't have had to clean up to. Bill, Tony and I chatted for a little bit. I was supposed to go to another St. Paddy's party, but with the chaos of the next two weeks I stayed home and got A LOT of Taft work done, which I could not have been more thankful for. Sunday at work was actually ok, despite having not wanted to go in, in the first place.

Having to actually work in the office is never fun, but I dressed up for St. Paddys and it was actually pretty quiet, which I was entirely thankful for. I was able to take a little bit of a nap and eat a delicious meal (added back in steak and that was lovely... only very mild side effects). Then I headed off to Jake's for the celebrations. It was low key and more fun than I could have guessed. A bunch of friends from the club showed up, made some new friends, learned a new card game, and all in all had a blast. I am so happy I did not blow it off.

Tuesday was the day to put in my two weeks at the day job, which I was very happy about. My boss did her best to make me feel bad about it, but I know it was the right decision... which reminds me I promised a run down of the two jobs and what I chose...

Job 1: Operations Assistant with a Ticket Brokerage firm -- company has been around for about 6 years. 2 person company (one potentially leaving in the semi-near future), great vision and dream for where they want it to go and where one could go with it. Lots of responsibility and challenges. Opportunity to really learn lots of new things, including how to run a business -- they are going away for 5 weeks during the summer and need someone they can trust. Get to focus on music, sports, theater, etc and learn as much about each as possible. Good base pay with some bonus potential, M-F 7:30-4:30, hour lunch, about 20-30 min commute, health benefits and vacation after 60 days, ticket perks. Very desk oriented, potential down the road to do more marketing, event type stuff and help grow the business.

Job 2: Corporate Sales with a Software Programming company focusing in automation amongst other things. Company has been around about 5 years, very established, growing and has been recognized in major tech media. 3 people, looking for a developer, this position created new. Lots of responsibility to build current client relationships, create new client relationships, and general networking, joint ventures, etc. Challenge to learn tech speak, I would want to take some programming courses to be well versed and able to speak intelligently with potential customers and clients. Flexible schedule, time off, good base pay with commission scale in place (able to be altered as more information is gathered), no office, cold calling and office visits, travel to Denver and Boulder, health benefits. Realistic view for company growth and path with opportunity to take over all/most marketing down the line.

I ended up taking job #2 for a variety of reasons and I am pretty comfortable in my choice. Ultimately, I am much more likely to be able to quit both part time jobs with the second position verses the first. Of course, that is not something that can happen immediately, but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.With all the job stuff so many questions of should I move or stay or all sorts of things came up. I was able to sign a lease with my current apartment until Aug 1. I need to find a roommate to be able to stay here and afford it. I figure that is a good time because by then I should be able to quit at least the club and then move somewhere half way between Denver and Boston to make my back and forth commuting a little easier.

Soo many great things happening. On top of jobs and housing Travis is here to visit!! I will give you that run down next time. On Friday night I won the area Table Topics Speech Contest and will be heading to the district contest on April 12. I was a bit surprised and even more so, when I found out the person before me gave a VERY similar answer to my response. I can proudly say I earned my 3rd trophy just this year! So now I get to go and speak in front of even more people and hopefully wow them with my speaking abilities and my confidence in myself. That win definitely made up for my blah speech in club on Thursday night.

Well know I am completely exhausted! Stay tuned for updates on my time with Travis, roommate search, and some of the last days of working at Legacy... oo and 4 nights in a row of working at the club, and finally a potentially date and not from OK Cupid -- I totally gave up on that crap!

Till next time, thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Well this has been a crazy and interesting week for sure! I saw the therapist, but then realized I probably have health benefits that cover this... which I do, so now on the hunt for someone who is at least covered by my insurance (my current insurance will pay for the first three visits, super awesome! I missed the nutritionist because I had the time written down for the wrong time, but that actually worked out well since she apparently does not do Elimination Diets. So now I have to wait until March 31st so see the next one, by which hopefully most items will be added back into my diet. But there is some testing she talked to me about that I will probably suck up and pay for.

The interview went well and I should be getting an official offer today, because I got an official offer from the other position on Wednesday and they want an answer on Monday. I really want to consider all of my options and visit the pros and cons of each position and make an educated decision. The funny thing is I am already trying to figure out if I should stay or move. Do I want to deal with a roommate, can I afford living on my own. What is the commute like for both jobs, etc. The exciting part is that on Tuesday I will get to put in my notice! Yay for life changes and taking chances.

I have now had two dates from OKCupid... neither were anything of special note. Both the conversation was good and flowed easily enough. Just neither really provoked any kind of lust or interest beyond talking. I have only been doing this for about a week and I am already completely over it. I am so not the type to really focus on trying to find someone. While I would love to have someone special in my life, I am not afraid of being alone. I guess it will happen when it is meant to be... and speaking of things meant or not... Tony and I finally talked and worked things out and I am very happy to say that he recognizes he is stuck with me as a friend in his life for a while. And I am perfectly ok with this, it actually makes me very happy to have put it in its place.

I started today with a 5+ mile walk with some work friends, am headed for lunch at my bosses place and then the partying and chaos of the next two weeks begin. I have an insane amount of shifts at the club because a server quit and the other one is on vacation. I have parties today, tomorrow, Monday and Thursday. I give a speech on Thursday in my toastmasters club and then have to speak at an area contest for toastmasters on Friday. Travis comes in on Friday night, and I am doing my best not to have nine million things that I want to do with him. I am absolutely utterly ecstatic to have him coming to visit!

Things are definitely looking up and I could not be more excited. Then next two weeks are going to be insane and awesome I cannot wait. But first I must finish laundry, vacuum and get myself ready for the celebrations! Hope everyone has a great week. I will do my best to check in and give you an update sooner rather than later -- at least a little bit about the jobs and which one I choose and why.

Happy St. Pattys!! Erin Go Bragh!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Taking its Toll

Diets... bagh! I am a healthy eater, but this is extreme! I just want pizza, beer, mac and cheese, and ice cream! But I am getting there. I successfully added rice into my diet on Thursday and the next item gets added in tomorrow. I have so many options and they have been switching back and forth. I just cannot decide what will be easy on my stomach to add and a good base item to have in the diet. Taking suggestions if you have them... they say to wait a little while before you add back in the big offenders like wheat and dairy... So I plan to do the dairy in stages and wait till the end of the month for wheat.

I am definitely in a funk... I am having some combination of a brain that won't shut off and just going along with the motions. I just want to find some sort of even keel, middle ground. I am an overload of emotions lately, and I truly do not know how to deal with that.I am going to see someone on Monday, and damn I had NO idea just how expensive that was going to be.

Monday is looking up to be a day of learning, growth, and potential change. I am meeting with a therapist to hopefully help quiet my head and get me back in-tune with myself;  a nutritionist to help with this diet and getting my fibro under control; then I am going to check out a new town. I am meeting with a friend who has a company that is interested in bringing me on to find out if it will work out for both of us; and ending off the day with a date! Weird... it will be my first date ever from online dating site... intrigued to see how this goes.

But first, tomorrow should be fun as I am going to Nederland for the ending of the Deadman Days. It is this whole, big three day celebration of a dead man conserved in ice. There are all sorts of events like polar plunges, frozen turkey bowling, volleyball, breakfasts, etc. It will be nice to get out of my house, off of my couch, surround my people...

I need to find a new creative outlet. My wrist is still pretty messed up from snowboarding, which limits a lot of my exercise. Plus my gym membership has run out so I am in serious need of some home exercises, motivation, energy, a exercise buddy... something, anything... I cannot wait to add more regular foods into my diet and to figure out this emotional crap so it can get back into a good routine and back on track.

I was trying so hard to focus on one thing at a time (my health), and the universe just did not want that to happen. I am not sure what I am supposed to do, but I know I need to do something, I cannot just be thing, do nothing, hope for something to change...


Perhaps I will get in another update on Tuesday to let you all know how it goes...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Looking on the Bright Side

So a lot and not so much has happened since my last update. I was a little disappointed that I didn't write this yesterday, but perhaps I will get in two blog posts this week. Each update gets me $2 toward my wish list. Which is going pretty well, I must say. Some days are obviously much better than others, but I also keep getting great deals on things I need so my earnings are not adding up as quickly as I would like to pay down that existing debt. This week I slacked a little bit, but I am pretty sure that is because of the diet I am working on.

After being diagnosed with Fibro and my stomach being a bit on the fritz I decided it was time I took my health seriously. So I decided to do a true Elimination Diet. For two weeks I can ONLY eat fish, turkey, lamb, wild game, vegetables (minus night shades), fruits (minus citrus fruits), coconut milk, coconut and olive oil. I do feel better and am eating VERY well... I mean lamb medallions, mashed sweet potatoes, and roasted broccoli. Stuffed Cornish hen is on the menu for tomorrow night. Honestly, though I cannot explain how badly I want pizza with beer followed by that new Ben and Jerry's ice cream!! They said cravings should be diminished by now, but they are not... I get to start adding things back in, one at a time starting at the end of this week. EXCITEMENT! Except it is only one item every 3 days, because you have to monitor for reactions. So maybe by the end of April I will have figured it all out. And not have to cook 3 meals a day, its getting very tiring... mostly all of the dishes are just getting annoying.

My gym membership ended and that is sad, I will truly miss the pool and hot tub and sauna, etc. I would be excited to get back on the pole except I sprained my wrist snowboarding at Loveland a couple weeks ago. Which means I am in a bit of pain, but I have some workout dvds that I want to start and get into. Of course with the diet, it is difficult to get in enough calories so I am pretty hesitant to exercise too much at the cost of all of my energy being completely non-existent. So it is all about finding that balance... which is going to be even more complicated by the fact that our third waitress quit at the club and now I am back to 4 shifts a week...

There are many other little things, I still need a new roommate, I haven't heard from Tony in days, which is twisting up all sorts of emotions... anger, confusion, sadness, worry, etc. He is my best friend here... not sure when it happened, but it did and I miss him very much. I was hurt a bit on my birthday by the minimum number of calls and cards... I think I have gotten over it, but I must say I was hurt... so there is that, but what can you do... I guess being 2000 miles away makes everything a little more difficult to handle. But I did have some amazing people here that made up for it.

I am super excited for another cheap day of snowboarding -- my last Loveland trip only cost me $45 plus gas... and I have another of the same deal which is freaking awesome, considering the normal lift ticket costs $60. I have definitely gotten better and am looking forward to continual progress. My own equipment is definitely on my wishlist!

As per usual I find myself wanting to work on sooo many things at once, my two business ideas, finding a new job/career, health, exercise, life goals, meeting more friends, trying new activities. And while some of these things clearly go hand in hand, I have to keep reminding myself ONE THING AT A TIME!! So health, it is first and the rest will come in time... I just have to stay focused and keep a running list for all of my grand ideas, schemes, and plans.

Until next time.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Getting Ready for Big Changes

We left off we me getting ready for a Celebration of ME! The week was chaotic and ridiculously busy as I tried to adjust the apartment to non-roommate mode, bake and cook for the party, and worked my butt off! I was determined to make my mini vacation, just that. I did not want to have to even remotely contemplate the idea of work for any of the three jobs. I must say I did a mighty fine job when all was said and done.

My gathering at the house was great. Small, but filled with important people. It was so nice to just hang out and play hostess for a little bit. It has been so long since I was able to do that. Plus who doesn't enjoy cleaning up when you are nice and buzzed on good times and awesome punch. Of course I went WAY over board on both food and drink, so I have been eating the remnants all week and slowly passing off the rest on the unsuspecting fools at work lol. They really do not seem too upset about it.

Vacation was amazing, but as per usual too short. The freedom of three whole days was absolutely outstanding. Tony picked me up fairly early Sunday morning, I packed up some snacks, most of which we didn't even touch, and some booze and we hit the road. Lovely traffic made our drive quite a bit longer than it should have been, but we ended up driving through a town that he had spent at least a few summers as a troubled youth. It was cool to be able to put a picture to many of the stories I had already heard and add more stories to the list. We checked into the hotel around 2pm and were quite pleased with our accommodations. Of course I was the cause for him getting his car stuck in the snow... to be fair his car is about 3 inches off the ground (if hes lucky) so I am sure it doesn't take much to get him stuck haha. Thankfully, after waiting around for a bit (the lady at the counter was pretty scatter brained - although she did manage to pour us a beer) the bartender was getting ready to come on shift and helped push us free. A late lunch early dinner at this awesome little Mexican place Joe introduced me to, turned into the rest of our day as we moved on to Grumpy's as awesome local bar. It was full of dogs, quirky locals, and good music and drinks. After a bit we went back to our Inn to keep the bartender company - where we discovered easily one of the best Bloody Mary's I have ever had, which also came with a beer back. Love at first sight and sip. Onions, two types of hot peppers, olives, bacon, celery salted rim... soo yummy.

Monday was my first day snowboarding in the real mountains. HOLY AWESOMENESS! It was a little tough starting, the altitude kicked my butt and we went on a green because I was nervous, which was easily the worst decision ever... those flat areas are killer! And not in a good way. Sadly I had NO idea the lifts closed at 4pm, so we only got in like 3 runs, and poor Tony was held back all day waiting for my slow self, but I think he had fun anyways. So of course we went back to recoup with some bloody marys and a cheap pizza.

Tuesday we slept in ... well at least Tony did, I apparently passed out hard relatively early for us. It was sad to have to pack up, but there was still at least one more adventure ahead so off we went. We had to settle for lunch over breakfast in a nearby town because of our lazy morning. Then we went snow tubing. It was fun, could have had a little more excitement factor with some big bumps and stuff, but overall a good time. Thankfully, the ride home was pretty smooth, but for fear of traffic I got dropped off and left to my own devices, which ultimately just turned into a long nap and an evening of lounging around.

The rest of this week has been about preparing for the big changes I have to make. I have been working with my goal chart, and will have at least two of my "pre-purchased" wish list items "paid off" lol. Have not exactly worked as hard as I could with the chart, but I am definitely getting better and am challenging myself everyday. Tomorrow starts a new week and a new goal amount. And then on Tuesday or Wednesday (have to see how much meal planning and what not I accomplish) I start the lovely elimination diet. I am already trying to figure out which thing I will miss the most and want to try and add back in first lol. I have been doing pretty ok in recording my food intake already so I think I should be ok as far as the tracking portion of it this time around... its more just the self control to not eat the random food that always seems to be around at work.

Well writing in my blog just earned me $2.00 toward my wish list deficit. :-) At least I am finding ways to motivate myself. Have a great weekend everyone!


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Celebrating Me

Well I was going to start off this post with an apology of how I have not been keeping this updated, but then decided against it. I know I am not good at updating regularly, but then a light came on. Part of what I have been working on in this New Year is finding a way to create better habits for myself. More on that later, let's catch you up from where I last left off...

So I am back from home, and forced back into the daily grind, basically immediately. I started off pretty well with the gym and exercising. Then came all of this crappy single digit weather and snow and of course I did not want to leave the house. So I started exercising at home... kind of. Then I got busy, then I got sick... then its now haha. I really want to get back to exercising everyday and doing the pole, just need to find the motivation. But, again, there will be more on that later.

I was doing pretty good with eating healthy for the first couple weeks until I sucked it up and went to a holistic doctor. Of course he just told me I everything I already know... eat well, sleep well and exercise. And of course part of eating well is finding out what bothers my stomach, and inflames the fibro... which means an actual and recorded elimination diet... So of course, for me to do this right I had to start ridding my house of all of the bad and tempting food... and there went my healthy eating. I start the elimination diet after I get back from my mini-vacation. So that should be fun and difficult, but hopefully rewarding...

I made some awesome New Year's cards for my friends and family, if you did not get one I apologize, let me know and I can send you pictures. It was nice to relive some of my adventures on my way out here. I actually got to do that twice as I also did a speech on it at my Toastmasters Club. Which if I haven't talked about it a lot, I should apologize because I truly love my club and the challenges it brings me every week.

I applied for another job, but I am not doing as well as I would like as far as working toward that future. But I am working on that and this is where it all comes full circle to the latest thing I have been working very hard on putting in place. It started with a wish list. Now if you know me, you know that I am not very free with my money and spending on myself.But the list was actually kind of all encompassing. My roommate is moving out to take advantage of a really good deal, so I cannot begrudge him that, but with him leaving I realized a bunch of things I do not have and want! lol and therein the wish list grew. (See below lol)

Well what is a wish list, if you are too frugal to purchase the things on that list?? So I came up with some other lists... things I wanted to accomplish and turn into healthy habits daily and weekly. Each wish list item was looked up and determined how much it would cost me to purchase. Each hopeful habit was given a "worth". And it built from there. I just started it on Sunday (which was Superbowl Sunday and the beginning of a serious sickness) but I have high hopes for it going forward.

Such high hopes in fact, that I am seriously considering working with this further to market and potentially help other people create better lives for themselves and be responsible with earning the things they want in life. There can be a lot of work and options that go into this, but I think it could help many people. It combines organization, goal setting and achieving and helping people -- these are all things that I have a very deep interest in... now just to find a way to move forward with this... any suggestions??

So here I am on my path... forcing myself to look for a new roommate (despite not really wanting one), getting really to start a life changing diet, having to find a new exercise routine (my gym membership is not getting renewed at the end of Feb). But before I get too serious about all of that...

I get to celebrate my first birthday in this beautiful place. I am having people over to my place for the first time yet, which you should all find shocking and as exciting as me. I mean seriously I moved in in July... and no parties yet?!?! What have I been doing?? THEN!! I am taking myself and Tony on a little vacation for our shared birthdays to Grand Lake and Winter Park. Now that is a long story, for not this platform, but it is what it is and we take it one day at a time. But we are sure both excited to get a way for a little bit and do some snowboarding.

After the celebrations come all of those changes... so wish me luck and if you want to know more about my little wish and reward system let me know :-)



Monday, January 13, 2014

New Year, New Me.. Not Quite So Much

Many people at the New Year resolve to have a NEW THEM... not I! I like me, quite a bit and while there shall be some positive changes then general make up of who I am and what I am about will stand firm and strong.

With that being said some plans for the New Year if you will.

Health! Last year I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and this means that I need to start making some changes in my life in order to assist in easing the pain and fatigue associated with it. So that means daily exercise. Going back to an elimination diet (although like the last time I did this I think I will be waiting until after my birthday lol). And the most important part of the puzzle is more and better sleep... this one is going to be difficult, because in order to do that I need a career/job change.

So that is the next step... new job, career, maybe school, maybe some certifications... We shall see what comes... While I want to make this a priority, however, I am putting a bit more focus into working fitness into my schedule first, as I know that is the hardest for me to keep up with. I have to get into a rythme with that and then I can add into my schedule the next time consuming thing. I do have one resume in to a company in Boulder that would be a great opportunity, still waiting to hear back.

My visit home was amazing and chaotic and I am pretty sure my liver hated me for a good three days after getting back lol. It was amazing seeing everyone and spending time with family and friends. Finally meeting chele's guy Dan, copious amounts of time with the niece and nephew, and even a couple good fashioned Roaster nights. Boston was fabulous, NY was fun and really made me want to get back on the pole.

And of course there is always adventures! There are too be many more adventures in 2014. Checking out Wyoming and Utah. Probably another trip to OK for Abby's baby shower. First ski/snowboard trip of the year to Winter Park with Tony for our Bdays to see Joe! And hopefully with a new job will mean new adventures too!

Here is to a good year... and hopefully a better record of updating this thing haha