Saturday, February 15, 2014

Getting Ready for Big Changes

We left off we me getting ready for a Celebration of ME! The week was chaotic and ridiculously busy as I tried to adjust the apartment to non-roommate mode, bake and cook for the party, and worked my butt off! I was determined to make my mini vacation, just that. I did not want to have to even remotely contemplate the idea of work for any of the three jobs. I must say I did a mighty fine job when all was said and done.

My gathering at the house was great. Small, but filled with important people. It was so nice to just hang out and play hostess for a little bit. It has been so long since I was able to do that. Plus who doesn't enjoy cleaning up when you are nice and buzzed on good times and awesome punch. Of course I went WAY over board on both food and drink, so I have been eating the remnants all week and slowly passing off the rest on the unsuspecting fools at work lol. They really do not seem too upset about it.

Vacation was amazing, but as per usual too short. The freedom of three whole days was absolutely outstanding. Tony picked me up fairly early Sunday morning, I packed up some snacks, most of which we didn't even touch, and some booze and we hit the road. Lovely traffic made our drive quite a bit longer than it should have been, but we ended up driving through a town that he had spent at least a few summers as a troubled youth. It was cool to be able to put a picture to many of the stories I had already heard and add more stories to the list. We checked into the hotel around 2pm and were quite pleased with our accommodations. Of course I was the cause for him getting his car stuck in the snow... to be fair his car is about 3 inches off the ground (if hes lucky) so I am sure it doesn't take much to get him stuck haha. Thankfully, after waiting around for a bit (the lady at the counter was pretty scatter brained - although she did manage to pour us a beer) the bartender was getting ready to come on shift and helped push us free. A late lunch early dinner at this awesome little Mexican place Joe introduced me to, turned into the rest of our day as we moved on to Grumpy's as awesome local bar. It was full of dogs, quirky locals, and good music and drinks. After a bit we went back to our Inn to keep the bartender company - where we discovered easily one of the best Bloody Mary's I have ever had, which also came with a beer back. Love at first sight and sip. Onions, two types of hot peppers, olives, bacon, celery salted rim... soo yummy.

Monday was my first day snowboarding in the real mountains. HOLY AWESOMENESS! It was a little tough starting, the altitude kicked my butt and we went on a green because I was nervous, which was easily the worst decision ever... those flat areas are killer! And not in a good way. Sadly I had NO idea the lifts closed at 4pm, so we only got in like 3 runs, and poor Tony was held back all day waiting for my slow self, but I think he had fun anyways. So of course we went back to recoup with some bloody marys and a cheap pizza.

Tuesday we slept in ... well at least Tony did, I apparently passed out hard relatively early for us. It was sad to have to pack up, but there was still at least one more adventure ahead so off we went. We had to settle for lunch over breakfast in a nearby town because of our lazy morning. Then we went snow tubing. It was fun, could have had a little more excitement factor with some big bumps and stuff, but overall a good time. Thankfully, the ride home was pretty smooth, but for fear of traffic I got dropped off and left to my own devices, which ultimately just turned into a long nap and an evening of lounging around.

The rest of this week has been about preparing for the big changes I have to make. I have been working with my goal chart, and will have at least two of my "pre-purchased" wish list items "paid off" lol. Have not exactly worked as hard as I could with the chart, but I am definitely getting better and am challenging myself everyday. Tomorrow starts a new week and a new goal amount. And then on Tuesday or Wednesday (have to see how much meal planning and what not I accomplish) I start the lovely elimination diet. I am already trying to figure out which thing I will miss the most and want to try and add back in first lol. I have been doing pretty ok in recording my food intake already so I think I should be ok as far as the tracking portion of it this time around... its more just the self control to not eat the random food that always seems to be around at work.

Well writing in my blog just earned me $2.00 toward my wish list deficit. :-) At least I am finding ways to motivate myself. Have a great weekend everyone!


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