Saturday, March 29, 2014

Just a Quickie to Get Paid

Hey all!

Well I feel like there is still soo much I need to tell you, but I am short on time... so a full update may need to come tomorrow. However, I needed to squeak in something because my week for earning potential ends on Saturday and I want to make sure I make my quota!

So Travis' visit was absolutely awesome! It was soo great to have someone who knows me so well around. We did a bunch of stuff... I will lay it all out for you later.

I may have found a roommate... at this point I am being the complete opposite of picky... My rent goes up exponentially as of April 2, so I am in serious need of someone to split the rent with me. The cool part was that my boss did let me sign a lease through the beginning of August so that should give me some time to get adjusted in the new job, save some money, and spend quality time looking for a place that is going to work for me... so hopefully I don't have to move again in a year!

Leaving Legacy has been a lot easier flowing than I had thought. I have been super busy with life stuff and so is pretty much everyone else at work... so I am kind of just getting to teeter out. I think they also assume because I will be on property they don't have to freak out... We shall see how this all works out.

I have basically two dates lined up for this weekend with the same guy, which I am really excited about. He is really nice, but also a smart ass so there is a good balance.

I have so many things coming up and that will all be listed out in the next edition. The biggest two excitements are getting to sleep in tomorrow and monday! I feel like I haven't slept in ages!! And on that note I have to go get ready for date #1... till next time!

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