Sunday, March 2, 2014

Looking on the Bright Side

So a lot and not so much has happened since my last update. I was a little disappointed that I didn't write this yesterday, but perhaps I will get in two blog posts this week. Each update gets me $2 toward my wish list. Which is going pretty well, I must say. Some days are obviously much better than others, but I also keep getting great deals on things I need so my earnings are not adding up as quickly as I would like to pay down that existing debt. This week I slacked a little bit, but I am pretty sure that is because of the diet I am working on.

After being diagnosed with Fibro and my stomach being a bit on the fritz I decided it was time I took my health seriously. So I decided to do a true Elimination Diet. For two weeks I can ONLY eat fish, turkey, lamb, wild game, vegetables (minus night shades), fruits (minus citrus fruits), coconut milk, coconut and olive oil. I do feel better and am eating VERY well... I mean lamb medallions, mashed sweet potatoes, and roasted broccoli. Stuffed Cornish hen is on the menu for tomorrow night. Honestly, though I cannot explain how badly I want pizza with beer followed by that new Ben and Jerry's ice cream!! They said cravings should be diminished by now, but they are not... I get to start adding things back in, one at a time starting at the end of this week. EXCITEMENT! Except it is only one item every 3 days, because you have to monitor for reactions. So maybe by the end of April I will have figured it all out. And not have to cook 3 meals a day, its getting very tiring... mostly all of the dishes are just getting annoying.

My gym membership ended and that is sad, I will truly miss the pool and hot tub and sauna, etc. I would be excited to get back on the pole except I sprained my wrist snowboarding at Loveland a couple weeks ago. Which means I am in a bit of pain, but I have some workout dvds that I want to start and get into. Of course with the diet, it is difficult to get in enough calories so I am pretty hesitant to exercise too much at the cost of all of my energy being completely non-existent. So it is all about finding that balance... which is going to be even more complicated by the fact that our third waitress quit at the club and now I am back to 4 shifts a week...

There are many other little things, I still need a new roommate, I haven't heard from Tony in days, which is twisting up all sorts of emotions... anger, confusion, sadness, worry, etc. He is my best friend here... not sure when it happened, but it did and I miss him very much. I was hurt a bit on my birthday by the minimum number of calls and cards... I think I have gotten over it, but I must say I was hurt... so there is that, but what can you do... I guess being 2000 miles away makes everything a little more difficult to handle. But I did have some amazing people here that made up for it.

I am super excited for another cheap day of snowboarding -- my last Loveland trip only cost me $45 plus gas... and I have another of the same deal which is freaking awesome, considering the normal lift ticket costs $60. I have definitely gotten better and am looking forward to continual progress. My own equipment is definitely on my wishlist!

As per usual I find myself wanting to work on sooo many things at once, my two business ideas, finding a new job/career, health, exercise, life goals, meeting more friends, trying new activities. And while some of these things clearly go hand in hand, I have to keep reminding myself ONE THING AT A TIME!! So health, it is first and the rest will come in time... I just have to stay focused and keep a running list for all of my grand ideas, schemes, and plans.

Until next time.

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