Friday, April 4, 2014

Pre work quick update

As promised here is an update and recap.

Travis visit was awesome!
We stayed up entirely too late Friday night catching up a bit. Saturday we headed to The Buff for breakfast because how can you not introduce your friends to mimosas and bloody Marie's on tap?? That was followed up with an interesting food convention. That was followed by a nice pub tour of boulder. Sunday was a bit of snow boarding followed by a lot of relaxing. It was a beautiful day. Monday night we did saw a couple breweries and Tuesday we tested out the fat shack... So good and bad at the same time. Wednesday was Travis' last day in town so we people watched at red rocks, checked out a tiny little brewey in golden, hit up the casino and then had dinner in Ned. All in all it was a great visit and I am so thankful he came to visit!

On other fronts. I had my last day at work. It kind of came and went without much muss and fuss. I finally found a roommate. He is young!! First time out if his parents house but he seems nice enough, works a lot. And the best part is he used to teach pole fitness so I'm hoping he will help me get my ass back into shape. Along those same lines I bought a groupon for parkour classes and open gyms and another one for aerial so let's do this thing. And finally on this quick update before I have to go sling drinks... I am seeing someone. His name is Logan, he is 31, 6ft4 and an absolute sweet heart. He is in the  process of opening a hot sauce company with his brother, and then works at two of the bars downtown. Still in the beginning stages, but it's nice so far. An on that note, I finish my wine and head into work. Till next time!

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