Saturday, March 15, 2014


Well this has been a crazy and interesting week for sure! I saw the therapist, but then realized I probably have health benefits that cover this... which I do, so now on the hunt for someone who is at least covered by my insurance (my current insurance will pay for the first three visits, super awesome! I missed the nutritionist because I had the time written down for the wrong time, but that actually worked out well since she apparently does not do Elimination Diets. So now I have to wait until March 31st so see the next one, by which hopefully most items will be added back into my diet. But there is some testing she talked to me about that I will probably suck up and pay for.

The interview went well and I should be getting an official offer today, because I got an official offer from the other position on Wednesday and they want an answer on Monday. I really want to consider all of my options and visit the pros and cons of each position and make an educated decision. The funny thing is I am already trying to figure out if I should stay or move. Do I want to deal with a roommate, can I afford living on my own. What is the commute like for both jobs, etc. The exciting part is that on Tuesday I will get to put in my notice! Yay for life changes and taking chances.

I have now had two dates from OKCupid... neither were anything of special note. Both the conversation was good and flowed easily enough. Just neither really provoked any kind of lust or interest beyond talking. I have only been doing this for about a week and I am already completely over it. I am so not the type to really focus on trying to find someone. While I would love to have someone special in my life, I am not afraid of being alone. I guess it will happen when it is meant to be... and speaking of things meant or not... Tony and I finally talked and worked things out and I am very happy to say that he recognizes he is stuck with me as a friend in his life for a while. And I am perfectly ok with this, it actually makes me very happy to have put it in its place.

I started today with a 5+ mile walk with some work friends, am headed for lunch at my bosses place and then the partying and chaos of the next two weeks begin. I have an insane amount of shifts at the club because a server quit and the other one is on vacation. I have parties today, tomorrow, Monday and Thursday. I give a speech on Thursday in my toastmasters club and then have to speak at an area contest for toastmasters on Friday. Travis comes in on Friday night, and I am doing my best not to have nine million things that I want to do with him. I am absolutely utterly ecstatic to have him coming to visit!

Things are definitely looking up and I could not be more excited. Then next two weeks are going to be insane and awesome I cannot wait. But first I must finish laundry, vacuum and get myself ready for the celebrations! Hope everyone has a great week. I will do my best to check in and give you an update sooner rather than later -- at least a little bit about the jobs and which one I choose and why.

Happy St. Pattys!! Erin Go Bragh!

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