Sunday, October 19, 2014

Open Heart

Normally my posts are a little chaotic, jam packed with the happenings of the last week or several weeks, but today, I just want to focus on this weekend.

It was a fabulous weekend.

I am working toward a successful launch at work.

Friday, I finally got to see HoneyHoney, and oh man what a show! I swear I could listen to them all day long. And Pati Fiasco, who performed before them, were pretty damn great, too!

The weather has been outstanding for motorcycle riding, which I could not be more thankful and grateful for... being as which that is my only mode of transportation.

Saturday, I spent the day at a seminar learning with a Jeffery Combs a millionaire multiple times over. He taught about understanding how our stories get in the way and the necessity of setting up simple systems. Most importantly, he spoke of opening your heart and being a person who truly cares about others. How important it is to truly be intrigued by others and have a strong desire to learn about and understand the human race and its individual beings.

I am on this path to better myself in as many ways as I can and I resonated with a lot of things Jeffery said. That was easily the best $20 I have spent in a long time. I look forward to surrounding myself with more people who pay attention to energies and whom actually are engaged, present, and also looking to better themselves and the world they live in.

Today, was great. I have been doing my best to be up and out of bed by 7am... today however, everything just said I needed to sleep in so I did just that. From about 9:30-11 I got a little work done and them headed downtown for a great mediation class. I think it might be something I commit to (around the pats/broncos football schedule obviously). It was very energizing and we passed out some food to the needy afterwards, which was refreshing and rewarding. I have decided I am going to look into working with my new friend Christian, who ran the events I attended on Saturday and Sunday to help align me better with my purpose and where I want to go.

After a nice long ride in the sun I received a great surprise invitation for a hike with the ever so fabulous Specialist Bush, that I could not turn down. We had a wonderful afternoon catching up, I am sure going to miss her while she is gone, but an already looking forward to planning all sorts of crazy shenanigans for when she returns.

With a great Broncos game, and pretty awesome new gloves for the bike, my weekend has been top notch for sure.

And on an even better note: I am soo looking forward to this week my uncle is coming into town. He is truly my guide and mentor in life. I look to him for advice, to blow off steam, and generally as a little bit of a hero. I love that I have such amazing people to surround myself with no matter where I go.

Thank you all for being a part of me, and helping me be better everyday. You all have a piece of my heart.

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