Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Celebrating Me

Well I was going to start off this post with an apology of how I have not been keeping this updated, but then decided against it. I know I am not good at updating regularly, but then a light came on. Part of what I have been working on in this New Year is finding a way to create better habits for myself. More on that later, let's catch you up from where I last left off...

So I am back from home, and forced back into the daily grind, basically immediately. I started off pretty well with the gym and exercising. Then came all of this crappy single digit weather and snow and of course I did not want to leave the house. So I started exercising at home... kind of. Then I got busy, then I got sick... then its now haha. I really want to get back to exercising everyday and doing the pole, just need to find the motivation. But, again, there will be more on that later.

I was doing pretty good with eating healthy for the first couple weeks until I sucked it up and went to a holistic doctor. Of course he just told me I everything I already know... eat well, sleep well and exercise. And of course part of eating well is finding out what bothers my stomach, and inflames the fibro... which means an actual and recorded elimination diet... So of course, for me to do this right I had to start ridding my house of all of the bad and tempting food... and there went my healthy eating. I start the elimination diet after I get back from my mini-vacation. So that should be fun and difficult, but hopefully rewarding...

I made some awesome New Year's cards for my friends and family, if you did not get one I apologize, let me know and I can send you pictures. It was nice to relive some of my adventures on my way out here. I actually got to do that twice as I also did a speech on it at my Toastmasters Club. Which if I haven't talked about it a lot, I should apologize because I truly love my club and the challenges it brings me every week.

I applied for another job, but I am not doing as well as I would like as far as working toward that future. But I am working on that and this is where it all comes full circle to the latest thing I have been working very hard on putting in place. It started with a wish list. Now if you know me, you know that I am not very free with my money and spending on myself.But the list was actually kind of all encompassing. My roommate is moving out to take advantage of a really good deal, so I cannot begrudge him that, but with him leaving I realized a bunch of things I do not have and want! lol and therein the wish list grew. (See below lol)

Well what is a wish list, if you are too frugal to purchase the things on that list?? So I came up with some other lists... things I wanted to accomplish and turn into healthy habits daily and weekly. Each wish list item was looked up and determined how much it would cost me to purchase. Each hopeful habit was given a "worth". And it built from there. I just started it on Sunday (which was Superbowl Sunday and the beginning of a serious sickness) but I have high hopes for it going forward.

Such high hopes in fact, that I am seriously considering working with this further to market and potentially help other people create better lives for themselves and be responsible with earning the things they want in life. There can be a lot of work and options that go into this, but I think it could help many people. It combines organization, goal setting and achieving and helping people -- these are all things that I have a very deep interest in... now just to find a way to move forward with this... any suggestions??

So here I am on my path... forcing myself to look for a new roommate (despite not really wanting one), getting really to start a life changing diet, having to find a new exercise routine (my gym membership is not getting renewed at the end of Feb). But before I get too serious about all of that...

I get to celebrate my first birthday in this beautiful place. I am having people over to my place for the first time yet, which you should all find shocking and as exciting as me. I mean seriously I moved in in July... and no parties yet?!?! What have I been doing?? THEN!! I am taking myself and Tony on a little vacation for our shared birthdays to Grand Lake and Winter Park. Now that is a long story, for not this platform, but it is what it is and we take it one day at a time. But we are sure both excited to get a way for a little bit and do some snowboarding.

After the celebrations come all of those changes... so wish me luck and if you want to know more about my little wish and reward system let me know :-)



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