Sunday, October 12, 2014

Don't Stop; Won't Stop

Once again, I found myself jumping in to about 9000 things at one time. Working out, eating well, getting back to my goal/task charts - trying to make those charts something I can sell off to people. I had thought about trying my hand at the internet marketing thing. There is this competition going on where you could win a week on Sir Richard Branson's island learning from some amazing people. However, I am not 100% happy with my charts and how they work, so I have not jumped head first into that. I really think the Internet Marketing Business is a good idea, since I really need to understand who I am trying to sell to better.

Really starting to get frustrated with myself at the day job... not making sales yet, but I am kind of kicking butt in organizing and keeping our JV launch on point. I am excited to rock this and then jump into a bunch of other things like working on our SEO, learning more about adwords, and then working to find the exact pain points of potential customers to work on expanding our market to more small business professionals offline.

I joined the gym (did pretty great the first week) hoping I can keep it up. I have a lot of Physical Therapy work I really need to adhere to for my joints -- knees, hips and shoulders specifically. I am determined to build up my muscles for my birthday tattoo pictures. Ideally, when I come home (already bought my tickets!!) I hope to get a couple touch ups done. Hey CT and Boston you better watch out the next time you see me because I will be packing! ;-)

On the food front I had a bit of a slip... My nutritionist jokingly said something along the lines of if you want to add Gluten back in your diet, just go have a bunch of pizza and beer. haha. Well I took that line a little to seriously and had pizza three times in one day... problem being that I have issues with some of the other food I ate and have been eating... so I have to take a huge step back starting tomorrow and try it again the right way! So back to no booze, no gluten, no dairy, etc for at least 5 days and then systematically add things back in. On a positive and in the potential for an over share... the only real issue I have been facing is gasiness, which is still a major improvement from the past. If only I could get myself to meal plan I would be in much better shape... But then again that would require me going shopping... which is a little difficult currently...

Having only a motorcycle is great... and difficult. I really appreciate the mornings I can go for a ride and start my day with sun shine, music, mountain views and the wind in my hair. However, if I need to buy anything its about 3 things at a time. I will figure it out eventually. Hopefully, I should still be getting a car at the end of the month so fingers crossed on that one.

I am in the process of getting myself ready to volunteer with the hospice program at the nursing home across the street from me. I feel like I have been doing quite a bit of taking lately and I feel the need to give back. I am worried about my grandma and I feel like this will be my round about way of being there for her. I will be so happy to spend time with her in December.

I have an awesome new endeavor in the works, but I am not ready to share too many details just yet. You should all be ready for some stop you in your tracks news from me over the next couple months! :-P

For now, see you on the flip side!

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