Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Success (in small doses)

Hello, hello everyone! So the last few days have been pretty eventful. I had my second interview on Friday with Boulder Legacy Apartments and it went very well. By mid afternoon (in the middle of a yummy, cheap and healthy lunch) I got a phone call and my offer letter. The money isn't amazing, but it is a little bit more than I expected and right around what I was hoping. There is decent bonus (commission) opportunity. The team seems pretty relaxed and cool. Benefits start pretty quickly and the company is big enough where there is room to grow and possibilities of relocation. Oh, and if i need an apartment I can get 20% off.

They made me go for a drug test yesterday. Instead of being like most regular employers and just having me pee in a cup, they made me do a hair sample one! Ridiculous the guy made at least 8-10 small cuts right at the root of the hairs in a couple different lines of hair. I have all these random little fuzzy parts when i rub my head which make me very sad. I went to go get my eyebrows done so that I could feel less upset about the previous hair removal process that occurred that day lol.

Will got his offer officially yesterday and he is off to Sacramento for four months as of April 1. I will eventually take over Grayce's room and stick around till their lease is up in July to help with Grayce and hang out with Jess and all that good stuff. I think Jess and I are going to try a gluten free diet so that should be interesting. Of course as I look at most of the gluten-free stuff a lot of it has soy... so I have to make a lot of stuff for myself and just eat very basically... which is fine because I have done that before, and I have learned a little bit about working with other carb options.

Cool thing is Jess' brother is coming next week (we still haven't figured out exactly where we are all fitting haha) but he is very into foods and has a lot of good tips and recipes that I cannot wait to hear about. I need to do some serious grocery shopping and menu planning for when work starts.

 I have my membership to the Y and I am determined to start going more even if it is just 30 minutes a day (including weekends) .. just have to get myself into the habit. Also, now that I am starting to feel slightly settled I want to start exploring more of the surrounding areas and get some hiking in. I am hoping I can make some time to go up and see Joe soon! 

I am still looking for third jobs (as I have a full time job, and am still doing work for Taft)...because I really need to do some serious catch-up on bills. Ideally, I would like to not end up in a restaurant. I worked one night at Empire before I got this offer and oh man was I hurting. I know it is something I could get back used to, I just do not know if it is something I want to get used to. I did have fun at Empire during my "working interview" but I need something secure and with benefits and the hours just do not mash up well at all. I have an interview today with Under the Sun, which is super close to the apartment complex and its open later so that might work out a little better. But I am going to try and find some other types of places that are open late as well that I might be able to work at.

On a down side I think I have a sinus infection, and the guy at Compass has no idea if i need new cards or not in order to go to the doctor... soo annoying!! Hoping I can talk with someone else today... we shall see...

And on an awesome note: The Attic... the first bar I stopped at when I got to Boulder is definitely my new Monday night hang out. I met a bunch of really cool people last night. Played a bunch of pool. Started to learn how to please fooseball and drank and ate for very cheap! Who could want more than that. Awesome little place... even if it is a packers bar haha :-)


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