Thursday, March 7, 2013

The End of One Journey Commences Another

Monday was a long day of driving!!

Up nice and early, I got on the road right away. I had hopes of a delicious breakfast but instead I ended up with a cup of cereal at a rest stop so I could stop and get some Taft work done. I was in a bunch of pain on Monday so it was definitely a slow going day. I did make it to Kansas before lunch time. The wind was crazy, the flatness was starting to get to me and my truck was getting really shitty gas mileage. Worse of all... There were places with snow still left on the ground! It was official, I was headed back into cold weather and the warmth of Texas was behind me. Now thankfully I am a pretty smart girl and figured the temperature amongst some other factors had messed with my tire pressure and that was probably what was killing my gas mileage.

When was finally hungry enough to eat the one real restaurant in the area I got off had a mediocre menu at best so I sadly just opted for Sonic instead. I knew staying with Jess was going to be a kick in the butt toward getting into some better eating habits (which I def need and was looking forward to), so I figured I mind-as-well fill up on some junk before I got there. Plus the other time I went to Sonic this trip I forgot to order tots and those are so one of the best parts of Sonic!

I was very delighted to finally see some hills in Kansas and then that was instantly turned around I hit a bit of a storm. It wasn't too bad, and I really have no reason to complain since the rest of this trip has really been smooth sailing. Once I crossed into Colorado I started to make the rounds of phones calls, informing everyone that I had more or less finally completed phase one of this crazy journey. It was so nice to talk with my grandparents and my close friends. I am really going to try and set up a time each week to talk with the important people in my life -- hopefully once a week, but minimally once a month on a video chat or something of the sort. (Hint people! Start scheduling your time now!)

The rest of the drive was mostly smooth sailing; little snow issues here and there in Colorado, and a small notion of traffic heading through Denver. But I made it!! I got to Boulder and I was starving! For whatever reason I was craving pasta. I started Yelping stuff and ended up at this place called the Attic. Sounded my style and sure enough it ended up being pretty cool. Fooseball table, games, somewhat on the smaller side, with a half way decent beer selection for its size. Of course, of all the bars in Boulder the first bar I go into is a Packer's bar (Matt's team)... but it was a good time. The Mac N' Cheese, that being said was phenomenal! Wisconsin cheese for the win! I met a cool guy who was also a Boston transplant who was saying how he has tried to leave since being home and no matter where else he goes, he always comes back. The bartender Marco was very nice set me up with an application and even told me about another bar that typically highs a lot around this time.

I ended up meeting up with Jess and Will at the end of their date night for a couple drinks to celebrate my arrival! After a much needed good nights sleep Jess, Will and Grayce intro-ed me to Boulder in only what I can say is probably the best Boulder welcome. We juiced for breakfast - Jess made a cleansing juice. Jess then led a yoga class at their friend Casey's house for us. From there we were off to the Y to hit the gym, pool and hot tub! Some how 2 of the 3 times I have been to CO my friends have managed to make me incredibly more active than I have been in a long while basically as soon as I get here haha! When I came to see Joe he had me run the steps at Red Rocks!

Wednesday started off with more juice, I skipped the gym to get some work done and find a bank since I finally got my debit card back! WOOHOO! What a sense of relief having access to cash again. I explored a little bit getting some gluten free breads to try and a yummy hot chocolate at two different little places. When I got back Jess and Will brought me over to Jenny's house for an AMAZING hour and a half massage! OO boy did I need that. I had been hurting for days and the 11 hours in the car Monday truly did not help it! I grabbed a Brie and Apple Turkey sandwich on the way to pick up Grayce from school -- it was yummy but way over priced.

Wednesday night I learned just how close my friend Pete from Boston and his girlfriend LJ really live to Jess and Will -- it is literally about four houses on the opposite side of the road. Crazy small world! Well the three of us met up for Burgers at Rubens - HOLY COW haha quite honestly. This burger was delicious! Served on a pretzel roll, I got one with celery, blue cheese crumbles and dressing, cucumbers, and buffalo sauce! AWESOME! and the beet salad was pretty great too. The beer list was more than up to par with something for basically everyone's tastes. Pete and I then headed out to the Mountain Sun, which as Pete explained is very Red Bones-ish, and I totally dug it! I had a Girl Scout Stout there, which was not very Thin Minty as promised, but still decent. One of the greatest part of this evening... we walked! Jess and Will have such an ideal location only about a mile from the middle of downtown. It is definitely going to be hard to top this without completely breaking the bank, I can imagine...

Today was a very productive day; got a lot of work done! Finally sent out post cards, mailed checks to the bank, sent a request to have my health benefits transferred out here, did about 2.5 weeks of laundry, spent a good amount of time at the gym - and set me up as a member so I can go whenever I want, and moved some of my stuff from the car into the house. I also got to meet Jess' manager and owner, and created and sent them out my restaurant resume. Of course I cannot find a copy of an old one anywhere. As if I am not sick enough of resumes! I am currently updating my phone, I accepted money from paypal for my laptop that I sold and I am all set up to start working tomorrow morning first thing and ready to do a conference call. I am stoked!

Now I just need to set up a plan for myself for next week so that I do not allow myself to become a bump on a log. Job search, Taft work, apartment search, etc need to be my full time job. Here is to the next part of the adventure. I will try to keep you with me -- and hopefully this blog will start to change with me - and be less of a play by play and more intuitive and information.

Until then - *Star*

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