Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Friday morning I got up nice and early with Matt (thankfully not as early as he typically wakes up) and hit the road. The ride wasn't too bad I was very tempted to stop back into Fort Worth to talk with this company that I REALLY want to work for, but I did not have anything prepared and did not want to look ridiculous. But it is ok, I am following them very closely looking for other ways I can be involved and find my in.

I made it to Abby and Ryan's new house sometime mid afternoon. Their new house is beautiful! They had already gotten a bunch of stuff over from the apartment and we went and did another run. That night I met up with Val's Godfather and his wife. What great people. I cannot lie her Godfather was a bit much to handle over the phone earlier that day and week, but once I met him, it all made sense and I definitely softened to. We had a great dinner and even better conversation. Our server was a great sport and it was nice to see that they genuinely were interested in him and his story. As a server I greatly appreciate that.

When I got back Friday night we enjoyed a few drinks and finished unpacking a bunch of the stuff that had been brought over earlier in the day. It is kind of cool that the last two times I have seen Abby and Ryan they have been celebrating big stepping stones in their life - their wedding day and now the purchase and moving into their new house.

Saturday was another moving day and getting things settled. A bunch of people were scheduled to come in and set things up. We hung out at the apartment with the movers, they were all packed up and all unloaded by a little after noon. We had some yummy pizza for lunch and then a fun little trip to Target. I love Target, its so evil haha. Abby had to be all serious with the cable company because they messed up big time. Finally we gave up on waiting for them and headed off to dinner.

We went to this Brewhouse which was pretty cool. We had these fries for an appetizer that were out of this world. They were sweet potato fries with peanut butter sauce, banana chips and bacon!! OMG delicious does not even explain it! A couple beers, some yummy food, I had a pimento cheese burger and some yummy mashed potatoes. Then it was off to the Dueling Piano Bar!! SOOO Much fun! And to think we almost thought about not going in because they guy said there was no seating and there was a cover and we were a little hesitant. We grabbed some seats at the bar, which in my opinion were much better seats anyways. We had a few buckets of beer, which when I saw them we happily reminisced about our cruise a few years ago. I really enjoyed myself. There was a fun OK vs TX duel and then some guy literally spent $160 to NOT hear a Bieber song!! That one cracked me up! At some point they invited two volunteers up to the stage to utilize some poor guy that was heading off to serve our country as a Pole. haha Knowing me I was on that stage pretty quickly and showing off a little bit. The other girl and the guy both had no idea what to think, it was hysterical. I definitely got some way to go's when I went to the bathroom later, it was great! I love that Abby and Ryan are totally accepting of me, did not get embarrassed and totally embraced my craziness! They are great!

Sunday morning I got up and went to church with Abby. If church was like what I attended I would have had no problem going when I was younger. There was a band and singers, there were jokes, and material that was related back to normal every day life. I do not remember seeing one crucifix. While the message was love, trust and believe in God, it was done rather nicely. I actually really enjoyed myself. We stopped for breakfast; I had cinnamon bun french toast that was awesome! After a quick stop home, and a little more dealing with the cable company Abby and I sought out to explore the city and show me around. Our first stop was back downtown. We took a nice little tour on the water taxi... our guide was a little lame but the sights were nice. There is this whole section of GINORMOUS statues of a battle having something to do with OK; you could not really hear the guide talk. Next we walked around a little bit, tried to check out the tallest building in the city, but it was closed. We walked around the botanical garden and the kids park, which was soo much fun!!

Next stop was this divine cupcake and candy shop that Abby had been meaning to go into. And oo boy was it worth the walk!! So many old school candies and the cupcakes!! Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake and Peanut Butter won my heart! I probably tried all of them and not even been made at myself. While we were still in the downtown area we headed over to the Oklahoma City Bomobing Memorial which was done so beautifully. It is crazy to think how long ago that really was. I was surprised at how little I had really retained about it - but then again, I was only about 10 when it happened. They had a whole 4 story museum that you could explore too, but we stuck to the outside memorial. I do not think I could have handled that much emotion that day (I had already cried at church) and it would take hours to go through the whole museum. I did manage some of my best photography while at the memorial, which seemed fitting.

We drove through the stockyards with the intentions of some shopping, but decided to feed our hunger instead. After a nice little lunch we went and got much needed mani and pedis, after all we did work very hard with the move this weekend! Abby cooked her first meal in their new home and we hung out in the Man Cave and watched a movie. I conked out early, I guess it was much needed. Because when I awoke to start the last leg of my journey (a very long one I might add) I was refreshed and ready to rock and roll!

Arriving in Boulder coming later today!


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