Tuesday, March 5, 2013


So the next big excitement was chatting with my mom's friend Chris and getting some tips on what to check out in the Houston area. My Uncle Mark lives out in Katy, just outside Houston. He and his wife have a new baby so I definitely wanted to make it out there to visit. So Tuesday morning I headed out to Houston. It was kind of a long drive, but not too bad. I stopped for a yummy sandwich at this little Dixie place, which was super cool because they served me my water in a half sized pitcher.

It was cool to hang out with my uncle. I think the last time him and I did anything just the two of us, he had taken me to a 104 fest concert when I was in high school. Little Mark is too stinking adorable, and a complete flirt already! We had a nice dinner and hung out and watched the baby play around. Wednesday morning I was happy to postpone heading to Austin for a day and heading down a little further south of Houston.

I headed to Kemah Boardwalk, which was nice, but nothing overly amazing. They had a good couple rides, but none of them actually looked like they were open. The mind was crazy!! I went for a little walk around the town and came across this really adorable little store. The owner was very nice and her dog was just as cute as the store.

I had a few good drinks on the boardwalk and then a half dozen oysters, which I was not fun at all because the chick definitely did not know how to shuck oysters and a lost a good chunk of skin in my mouth. I met this really fun talkative older guy at the place I had oysters who kept me company through my little visit.

That was about my excitement for the day. I had to get ready for my last Texas adventure to Austin.


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