Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Weekend With Matt

So Friday went by in kind of a rushed haze, I think we planned a lot and didn't get much accomplished... which was fine because the weekend was sure to make up for it!

Saturday we we up and out of the house at a good hour. Amber, Jimmy, Brynn and I were headed to the Safari and then spelunking in the Caverns. These attractions are in San Marcos (one of my new beloved places) so we had a nice drive up there - I drove my car because Matt would be meeting me up there after we were done with our family style adventures.

First was the Safari! There are two parts to the sarafi the drive through part and then there are caged off sections with different animals like parrots, giraffes, lemurs, etc. Our first stop was to the baby goat and llama area. They were all soo adorable! UNTIL I tried to get a picture of the baby llamas, who were off by themselves. Well my picture taking prompted them to come and check us out, which I was not excited about. I know llamas spit and in general are not the nicest creatures, baby or not, I really did not want anything to do with them. Well, I did not really have a say in the matter because as I was trying to get away one of the llamas decided he had enough of me and spit at my back, not once... BUT TWICE!!! All over the back of my shirt! I definitely jumped, screamed a little, and then immediately started laughing my butt off so hard I was crying. It was easily the grossest, funniest thing that has ever happened to me - and we had only been in the park for about 10 minutes. What a way to start! Thank goodness I had my car with me so I could change my shirt. I washed off as much of the spit I could and left it on my car to dry.

After a quick tour around the other caged animals and having to shield ourselves from watching two giraffes be completely inappropriate we all piled in the truck and set out on the driving portion of the Safari. That was a little slow, but fun. There were some points where there were no animals and that was boring, because you know sometimes I am worse than a 5 year old with my need for instant satisfaction. The Zebras ended up causing a huge ruckus and creating a large line of cars. They were literally sticking their whole heads into peoples cars, a bit out of our comfort zone. We got to feed a bunch of animals. I pissed off an ostrich, unfortunately not enough for him to get up and come to the car though. Haha however, if that would have happened I definitely would have rolled up my window super quick like a big old baby. There was a poor little baby goat hurt on the side of the road, whom I am hoping we helped by letting the front desk know. We ended the Safari by basically dumping the rest of our feed on the donkeys.

After a quick little lunch (I got a souvenir cup, so fancy!) we headed down to the caverns part. I didn't realize they had all sorts of fun extras down there when I had stopped on Thursday, otherwise I might have stayed. There was zip lining and some cool ropes obstacle course, perhaps I will have to go back sometime and give them a try. Spelunking was pretty cool - it was surprisingly very warm in the caves, apparently there is a 99% humidity down there. I took a lot of pictures, visited the Sherwood Forest, and looked at fried eggs.

Matt and Garcon met me at the caverns. I was so excited to see Garcon! And Matt too, I guess haha. Seriously, my second favorite dog ever, only next to Sox. Matt and I jumped in the trucks and he drove me through some nice little town where we dropped off my truck, so we could continue our adventure. I know Matt knows me so well because he showed up with a cooler of beer :-) and even better at least half of it was Sam's; what a great guy!

First thing is first, we headed to this little taco truck, where I easy had one of the most unusual, delicious tacos ever! It was fried portabello, avocado, carrots, and a few other things; sounds a little strange but totally awesome, and it satisfied my craving for veggies. My vegetable intake on this trip has been a little low. After a taco, chips and caso, and a beer, we are back on the road and headed toward Austin. It looks like such a unique little place. So eclectic, and since is was a beautiful day out, alive with all sorts of people. He drove us down one of the main roads looking right up onto the capital, which is absolutely stunning.

The two sides of 6th street are really cool, the old and new. I bet I could have a lot of fun and cause a lot of trouble downtown , if I were given the right amount of time. Matt told me about this building that was designed to look like an owl (a big Texas rival) so that the Long Horns would always have an Owl looking over them, too funny. We had a drink at this roof top bar with some very nice views of the city. And then we went to the Whole Foods headquarters. OMG!! It was soo much fun in there and it went on and on and on! We must have been in there for a good hour! There is a whole walk-in cooler for beer, a cheese section that is out of this world (quite literally, there were a bunch of imported cheeses), a two sided Olive Bar, three separate bar/restaurants, plus other multiple places to get pre-made or made-to-order foods, on top of all of the items for regular purchase. Sooo much different than Whole Foods in Mass or CT.

Then it was time for the real fun to begin, we headed back to the cars and then off to San Antonio to meet up with his brother, Bob, and sister-in-law, Lena; both of who I adore. We had a few drinks at their place, then off for the night we went. They introduced me to this weird drink that is basically a light beer topped off with bloody mary mix, very weird, but kind of good. We hung out at this really unique German bar, with a great back area that is kind of attached to a hotel of sorts. We were talking about how its going to be used for weddings and what not. Then Matt and Lena read off the wall some writing, which I remember as being very profound, but I could not tell you what it said now, haha typical. The night ended with more drinking and some tacos which tasted delicious, but were turned into an awful idea lol.

Sunday was a lazy start day as we were all hurting a little bit. I got to snuggle with with garcon which of course made me happy. Matt and I took off around mid afternoon. We dropped my car off in a parking lot and went off to do a little more exploring. I got to see the house Matt grew up in We went into this place, which I must have passed about 2 dozen times and was intrigued about. It turned out to be a bar/convenience store and had some interesting decor. Next we went to the original Rudy's BBQ, which was a big part of Matt's growing up. It was delicious! My tummy was still a little upset, but I pushed through because it was so good. Brisket, BBQ sauce, dill pickle, and onion on white bread which was probably my favorite, that and the creamed corned. Garcon was lucky enough to get some of the turkey, by which I almost lost my fingers! The only area I can tell so far that he isn't completely well behaved haha. Sadly, that is where the fun ended. It was really great to see Matt and Garcon, I missed them soo much.

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