Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Thursday was my good bye to Amber, Jimmy, and Brynn. I headed off toward Austin. First, I headed to Magnolia Cafe. Oh man was that outstanding. The people were very friendly, although my waitress was a little behind. I had portabello fajita which were amazing!! I know more veggies... the mushrooms just get me! Plus their tea was off the hook; yea I said it.

After I was nice and full, I went to check out Zilker Park. I stopped into their Splash section and learned all about the water flow and how it gets trapped in the ground and a bunch of other sciencey stuff. There was a nice park, and they even had a disc golf course! I was super sad that my discs were buried in the car, although when I really looked at the course it did not seem that challenging, so I guess it is not a big loss.

Next up was finding parking, doing a quick change, and then walking around Austin. I rechecked out 6th street (old side) and found this cool store and bought some more post cards. They had some fun stuff in there. I went to go see the beautiful capital building up close and personal. By then I recognized just how shiny my shirt was and figured I would head toward Buffalo Exchange (a second hand shop) just beyond the edge of the map that the lady in the fun shop gave me. It was a long fun walk, but man did it feel good. I haven't walked this much since I have been in Boston. By the time I found something comfortable (a small man's button up) it was getting late and I knew Matt would be coming to meet me. What a guy; driving two hours after working all day to take me out to dinner.

I hiked it back to my car... which boy was it a hike! I got back to my truck and freshened up and then went to find a bar. To my great surprise there happened to be another Library in the old part of 6th street and that is where I ended up. I had a few drinks while I was waiting for Matt, who was stuck in traffic and finding a parking spot. We grabbed another drink, I finally let Matt do some talking, because he always lets me such a chatter box. Next up was a steak house, which was funny because there was going to be a wait and our hostess basically told us to stake out a high top table and jump on it once they leave, but please do not steal anyone's seats, haha. Great meal and some good drinks later we head out to another place for our night cap.

I had intentions of staying at a hotel in Austin, except everything that I looked for was well over $200... Matt was so kind as to let me come and crash at his place, which was great because that meant I got to see Garcon again! I can officially say I saw College Station and I that I have been in an HEB. Matt was nice enough to give me some cash for a check, since I still didn't have my debit card, and I was all out of cash. Saying goodbye sucks, almost just as bad as last time. But good times nonetheless.


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