Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Making Progress

Last check in I was being productive and getting things done. And honestly, that has continued on throughout the weekend and the rest of the week.

We hit up the gym on Friday and hung for the night watching tv and applying like a maniac to a whole bunch of positions. I emailed the CATS gym out here about hopefully working for them, and discovered they have an adult open gym Monday-Thursday from 8-10pm for only $5!! I was ecstatic.

Saturday started Grayce's sickness, which kind of slowed down the weekend. Saturday night, based on Grayce's insistence to get out of the house we went to Oskar Blues Brewery for dinner. This place is cool! There was a kick-ass chick band playing upstairs that we could bee-bop along to while we were eating. I have some delicious beer can chicken with mashed potatoes and broccoli and a pretty kick ass beer sampler. When we got back home I chatted with Jason, who happened to be home for the week. We met up and went out for some drinks. We checked out the dive bar that Pete had mentioned earlier in the week - Sundown Saloon and after a pitcher headed to another bar, which I cannot remember, but there were some cool people in there and it had a downstairs bar and two bars upstairs.

Sunday was great to sleep in nice and late. Jess and I had intentions of going to a yoga class, but that so did not happen. Sunday night I headed out to the Kitchen Next Door with Pete, LJ, and their friend... Jimmy... I think... bagh my brain is awful sometimes! Apparently, they have half off pitchers on Sundays and live music. I liked it, but it was a bit loud to try and have conversation over in such a small space. It seems like this might be a weekly thing, which would be awesome, but I will definitely have to eat before I go... minus the kale chips, those things are off the hook!

Monday, Grayce and I hung out while Jess worked and Will had an interview. I set up interviews for myself on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday was at the other restaurant that Jess' boss owns in the next town over. Wednesday, was at a apartment complex for a leasing consultant position. That felt good to have stuff set up. I went to go see a sublet room in North Boulder which was nice. The people are a older (have kids in their early 40's), but seem very nice and we had great conversation. The house is really nice, with lots of light and positive vibes. And Monday night I got to go to Open Gym for a couple hours, which was fun and exhausting! There were these awesome partner acrobatic people practicing and now I really want to go try it. There was this one pair that was absolutely mesmerizing. They apparently teach a class on Thursday nights that I soo want to check out while I still can!

Tuesday was mostly a lazy day. My interview at the Empire went well. I have a working interview on Friday, where I will basically just shadow one of the servers and see if I can keep up... which I do not forsee not being able to. The only problem is it has very specific hours. Its nice should it be my only job because its Tue-Thur and Sundays 4-9pm and Fri and Sat 4-10. So Nice early hours, which is such a nice change of pace in restaurants! However, it might be tough to have a regular full time position and maintain a position there because most jobs I won't be out in time to get there for a proper shift... but we shall see! Last night Will, Jess and I settled down by cracking open my commemorative bottle of JD and Will made us some delicious drinks (Jess got will this great ice cube thing that makes circle ice cubes! its awesome!!). We talked a little bit about what our plan is because I had to call back the people from the house. The sublet is till the end of May, but I told them I could only definitely agree till the end of April. Will is most probably going to have to go to Cali for some job training and then I would just move in with Jess.

Today I got up and went to my interview, which went very well. I should know on Friday,. They offer benefits after 30 days, which is soo seriously needed. They have properties in at least 5 other states, and she said they regularly high from within, so even starting at a lower level to work my way back up. The money isn't great, but there is a $50 bonus for every lease you get, which would be helpful. I am trying to find ambition for go to the gym... hopefully I will get off my butt later today. For now I think I will take a nap and then do some more job searching :-)

Till next time

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