Tuesday, February 19, 2013


So I arrived in San Antonio Sunday evening not feeling great and very welcoming not doing much of anything, which was exactly what I got to do. A little catching up and some Walking Dead was the prefect ending to a crazy weekend.

It has been a very relaxing visit with Amber so much. Brynn is absolutely adorable, but it makes me miss Emma and Anthony to pieces. I really cannot wait till Thursday I am hoping I can facetime with everyone at Family dinner. Also, I give my sisters and friends with kids mad, crazy props because just like my last visit with Amber I am very much informed and reminded just how much work goes into having kids.

I am really hoping I will get to see my Uncle Mark and baby Mark... but we shall see. I am thinking Thursday I am going to take off and do some exploring by myself.

I am really trying to stay on top of my work and job searching and getting my butt in gear for whatever is to happen next. Tomorrow I promise myself to actually do some exercise!! Although, I must say I have eaten pretty well the last few days; so that is something :-)

So I have started to really hone in on the Boulder search, but still keeping my eyes open for elsewhere. I am ready to do something amazing - I just can't wait to find out what that is!

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