Sunday, February 17, 2013

Debauchery and the Aftermath haha (Saturday/Sunday)

So of course after a night of some drinking I would wake up at 7am. Complete and utter nonsense! Travis' nephew was having a sleep over for his bday, so I ended up hanging out with the boys for awhile while I waited for everyone else to get up. Travis, mom and I went for breakfast at Ihop. I got some delicious strawberry lemonade drink that was BOMB! My whole wheat pancakes with 6 blueberries were pretty good too. We ended up taking Blake out to go birthday shopping, which was an adventure and I picked up a cool tow vacuum for Brynn's birthday present. Quick lunch for Blake and snack for the adults at Fridays and we headed back to the house. We had a nice lounging around afternoon and I even snuck in a nap! OO I love naps!

We all put on our Saturday's best (snacked on some pizzas) and then piled into the mini van and we were off! We headed back to the Library (apparently they have a deal from 8-11 of $2 you call it shots...) We danced, played some pool, watched two people basically have sex in the bar -- which it was super awkward that no one that worked at the bar did anything to stop it... literally people all the way across the bar were taking pictures. All in all everyone had a good time... little bits of drama... but what can you do.

I definitely saw the sun come up before I went to bed and only had a few hours of sleep. I felt pretty good when I was woke up, surprisingly.  Could not say the same for Travis though. I was so in love with the weather I could have sat on the back deck and napped all day. Eventually Travis' mom and I went and got lunch because we were starving. It was nice to just chat with her, we had never done that before. We picked up some food for Travis and then headed back to the house. I repacked up all my stuff (kind of almost forgot my laptop... that would not have been good) and I hit the road.

Once on the road just how tired I am really sets in and my stomach starts to just be ridiculous... So needless to say it was NOT a fun leg of the trip. Additionally, my Low Tire Pressure light came back on... which makes me think that I might have a slow leak in my rear passenger side tired... because the light came on at the beginning of my trip too... And when I went to go pay for my gas... I have no idea where my ID or debit card are. I swear when I put my money into my purse my cards were with the cash. I have the cash, just no cards. It is super weird. I have called the bar, I have checked my dirty laundry, I had Travis looking around his brother's house... nothing to be found yet. I am going to tear apart the car tomorrow in hopes that I will be able to find them. Very thankfully I had thought I lost my ID three years ago after some birthday celebrations and ended up going to get a new one, and now I have an extra one... but the debit card is going to be a little bit trickier because the card will have to get mailed to my aunt and uncle and then get sent to me wherever I am when they get it. Additionally, if makes me either have to use my credit card for everything (which I really do not want to do) or I have to write someone a check and have them give me cash so I have money.

OO the situations I get myself into. After numerous stops thanks to my angry stomach, I finally get to Amber and Jimmy's a few hours later than I had hoped, but safe, sound and in one piece. We hung out for a little while and watched the walking dead, which I feel like I should really take this show up because it is pretty bad ass. They liked the toy vacuum that I got for Brynn, and I look forward to seeing her play with it tomorrow. And with that being said... I am off to bed (way later than I had wanted) all caught up on my postings about my trip. Got some work to do tomorrow and probably an oil change since I am already past the 3K mark since I got my car. Farewell everyone!

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