Sunday, February 10, 2013

Nothing goes as planned

So I know I am a little behind on this regular posting thing already... So why don't I get everyone caught up on the craziness that is this adventure.

After being cooped up in the house for a LONG time without a car my uncle took me out Jan 30 to look at vehicles. After a couple hours and at least a handful or places I found a truck I really liked and was in my price range.

Friday, Feb 1 I picked up my new to me 2003 Buick Rendezvous. It had all wheel drive, it super big to fit all my crap in it and its loaded with all sorts of fun little extras.  (you know only a week or two after I really wanted/needed to have a car)

It has been quite an adventure going through my life, unpacking, repacking, in and out of storage, etc... I have narrowed down my belongings, donated a whole bunch of stuff, and then put off a bunch of stuff back into storage.

Saturday (yesterday) I was supposed to have a big bash going away party... but three feet of snow sort of got in the way of that happening. It also has gotten in the way of me getting the rest of my crap to storage... And from getting some vacuum bags to minimize the space my blankets are taking up...

So my leave date has been pushed back a day... I am missing the Philly Tattoo Convention and I think I need to replan the beginning of my trip.

I hope some people are able to get themselves out and come visit me before I leave tomorrow, but I understand that it will not be possible for most.

Maybe this is how it was supposed to be... no big good byes, no big fuss, it will all work it self out in the end.

So I leave tomorrow, I am charging the camera, packing up the truck, double checking all my finances, and recalculating my routes. Planning a nap, some cleaning, getting some Taft work done and a lot of hanging out and relaxing.

Wish me luck and fun :-)

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