Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thank Goodness For Friends!

So Day 2 of driving was fun and beautiful! Virginia and Tennessee have very captivating land. In the nature of this adventure I decided to take an unplanned detour and just check out something called the "Skyline Drive"... only I completely missed the turn for it and ended up driving in the the mountains of Virginia, which was absolutely breath taking! I was on the Blue Ridge Road (I think that is what is was called...) for about 30 miles, when I started to wonder if and when this thing ever ended. I am still getting used to the truck (I really need to name her by the end of this... Bertha, Bella?? suggestions?) so I did not want to be that far away from civilization for too long, especially because most of my journey had no cell reception and no passerbyers.

Well I will tell you it was quite interesting! I got out at a few over looks, one in particular, which was breathtaking. Climbed a few rocks for better views, but thought better of doing too much since I was not in proper attire, had no cell service, and there was no one to hear me scream if something did happen... haha. Then I decided it was time for me to get back to a main road. Well did I ever get some insight on what my truck can handle. I went down one of the MOST curvy, windy, tight roads I have EVER been on in my entire life... and that says a lot! After that drive, I feel much more ready to take on the roads of Colorado!

The rest of the drive was pretty easy going. I stopped in Virginia somewhere for gas and everyone was so nice and polite; holding doors, pleases, thank yous, ma'am s and sirs. It really put a smile on my face. Not to mention they had some pretty delicious looking food! Fried chicken, mac and cheese with ham or something in it, peas and hamhocks, etc. yum! I am already snacking too much while sitting in the car so I did not partake, but I took a picture to share later.

Speaking of pictures I am really trying to stop and take them, but it would be soo much better if I could take them while driving! I mean some of the fun things I saw today include: numerous Shoney's sign (first one got me!) ... I used to work at one in Little Rock and Amber still makes fun of me for how I say it! On a sign under an Attractions a Retirement Home was listed! Are there old people extra crazy and entertaining or something?? A gigantic white cross that you could see MILES down the road. The list goes on and on!

I ended the day meeting up with Manson's cousin at a Socceer Taco in Knoxville. The food was delicious, Danny is a cool kid, and my beer mug was soo cold it left my beer a little icy - it was delicious! OO and you know what type of beer I had!??! Yuegling!!  OO how I missed its delicious taste! We ended up just hanging out the rest of the night on the couch. I had to be a little rude and take some phone calls, but it happens when you are a traveler.

So now here I am at 7am up and almost ready to walk out the door to head to Lynchburg, TN to go do the Jack Daniels tour!! Then from there I will back track and head down to Atlanta to see Tiff! I am super excited! May even get a facial tomorrow woohoo! Hope everyone is enjoying the nonsense that is my rambles. Until next time!


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