Sunday, February 17, 2013

Double Duty (Thursday/Friday)

So Thursday I was so busy getting bills paid, checking on things, and getting Taft work done I did not leave myself enough time to update everyone. So I will give you a two day update…

I woke up in Atlanta with excitement to get my butt out and walking. Tiff and Mark had shown me around in the car a little bit the night before and I was excited to check stuff out. I took a walk around and found a nice little place to have breakfast at – damn those biscuits again, I am pretty sure they will get me every time. That is where I wrote my last post. I took some fun pictures with some iron statues, poked around in some cool stores, and generally just enjoyed being outside and walking around. It is a pretty cool little neighborhood!

The truck got a new alternator and new front brakes. I probably should have done the back breaks, but the guy said that technically I could wait a little longer, so that is what I will do. I am sad that I did not ask him for the brake pads he took off because the guys at Fair Auto are being ridiculous about my truck. I am angry! And plan to keep pressing them until they do right by me.

I got back on the road around 3:30. It was a pretty simple day’s drive. At some point seeing the towns I would driving through made me feel like I should be in a Sookie Stackhouse novel! I made it the rest of the way through Georgia, all the way through Alabama, and half way through Mississippi. The cool thing was since I got towed to Atlanta I got an extra 60 miles of driving before I had to get gas J. I talked to a lot of people, being that it was valentine’s day. My Nana got me a very cute card, which she had to remind me to open…

I ended my day in Jackson, MS. I had a pretty nice dinner with some good company at the bar in some restaurant. I wanted to try this Jazz/Blues place but there were about 5 cars in the entire neighborhood so I decided against that. Then there was this walkers drive in which sounded pretty cool, except when I got there is was PACKED, with a wait and everyone was on a date and looking VERY fancy.  So I walked around the area and finally found Que Sera Sera. I had a delicious Crab Stuffed Red Fish with a lemon cream sauce, with linguini and a salad and of course a couple drinks. It was fabulous. I ended up at the Red Roof… waited about 30 minutes to get a room – I am hoping that is was more because the poor guy was not trained properly and just shoved on the shift. Once I finally got settled and the people stopped fighting downstairs, I watched some weird wrestling movie and went to sleep without setting an alarm. I allowed myself to sleep in a little bit, especially because I had all sorts of weird dreams and did not sleep well at all. 

Friday was a good day.  I got up, paid bills, checked on a bunch of stuff and got a lot of Taft work accomplished. I made a quick stop and then got back on the road. Nothing particularly interesting happened on my drive to Texas. I went through the rest of Mississippi and all of Louisiana -- drove right through Shreveport, and on into Texas. Travis' brother's house is beautiful! Travis, Alex and I went out for dinner and drinks. Drinks were super cheap at the Library -- ya that's the name of the bar we went to it was pretty cool. The one thing I am not a big fan of is that you can smoke in the bars still down here. 

Eventually we headed out to another bar to meet up with Travis' brother and mom and some other people. Sadly, my bowl of chili for dinner (and not much food for the rest of the day) was not a very good base. Definitely had a good time though. When we got home I snuggled on the couch with the two awesome very large dogs they have. It was great!

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