Monday, January 28, 2013

Trials and Tribulations

So I am super excited about this trip... however, I CANNOT find a car!! This is the most frustrating thing I have had to go through. I am starting to get very anxious. I am supposed to leave 2 weeks from yesterday and I am starting to go bonkers!! Especially because I do not have a car to even go car shopping.

But hath no fear; it will all work itself out in the end.

If anyone knows of a vehicle so I can actually go on this adventure... and just stop being a dependent shut in... I am looking for a SUV or any vehicle with 4WD. Has to at least be a 2000 or newer. I need plenty of cargo space because I am packing up my life and taking it with me. Also, I would like to stay under 130K miles. If I can find leather seats that would be great, as it bothers my allergies less, but I will not be too picky. I need something in excellent condition that can basically just be ready to get a good 5K miles in the first month... And it needs to cost under/around 7K... no financing, cash in hand... and GO!

It will be wonderful! 

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