Sunday, May 5, 2013

Jumbled Mess

BAGH! I thought I had posted last week...

My last entry was a glimpse into the chaotic order of my life at the moment and all of the things I have been trying to undertake... fit-in... or otherwise be involved in...

Since that Post, I volunteered at the Puttin on the Leash: Animals in Wonderland... dressed up at the Ace of Spades thanks to one of my co-workers. I signed up for Bolder Boulder -- a 10K... attempted to start training... think I need new shoes (ouchies to the wallet)... looked at numerous apartments and narrowed it down to four. I started the 3rd job and even made some money on my first night... I was super impressed with myself because I thought I was going to need a 5 hour energy, but I had energy to get me completely through the night and even stayed to hang out for a bit afterwards. I really think I will enjoy this job, in the end of it.

I got some respite staying at my boss' house, house and dog-sitting for her. Although, her dog is the biggest pansy... Staying at her house I also realized just how old I was... getting up WAY before all the college kids on The Hill to take the dog for a walk... in bed as their parties are just starting to get good... not really wanting to have too much a part of any of it.

I got my first ribbon-- or promise of ribbon (clubs out at the moment) -- at my 2nd Toast Masters meeting on Thursday. Looks like I will be joining the group next week. I really enjoy it! And I think I can make some friends out of it, or at least am hoping.

I am in Denver for two days this week for training... and will be getting my hair cut on Tuesday, finally! I am so excited and its at Paul Mitchel School, so it will be a little like back at home... although I am sure the person cutting my hair isn't going to be the sister of someone I was in class with. Then on Friday we are volunteering somewhere, so my only two days in the office are Thursday and Saturday, so I sure hope I can get in some leases!

Still need to get Rosetta Stone in action, and still need to get myself into a routine, and keeping myself going to the gym. But I think I am making some good progress. Finished up one class today... I had started a second, but am not sure it is going to be helpful. I am going to look for another class to start up...

I am really holding on to my desire to work for The Starr Conspiracy, I have sent out cards, applied, kept in touch with people... I just want this job, and more importantly know I can do the job well. I am keeping fingers crossed and trying to not be too annoying... So please send some good vibes for me.

This is post is all over the place and I apologize... my brain has not settled in a few days. Too many things going on and starting up... hopefully, everything will calm down into a nice routine... here is to hoping!

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