Thursday, May 16, 2013

Goodness Gracious Continued


Somehow, after a thankfully much better Saturday night at the club, I managed to get my butt up for Church on Sunday morning. Which turned into a 2 hour affair and me offering to help in the kids area and meeting the pastor (who I have to admit is pretty awesome). This is such a weird feeling, this desire for church in my life, which is going side by side with learning more about my Wiccan side, guess something deep inside is looking for guidance. In the mean time I just keep chugging forward.

After church, Rick picked me up from the house and gave me three options for lunch. I obviously went with sushi - although it still weirds me out a little bit not being near the water. I WISH I could explain how much I miss Sushi X and Sushi Palace and this one place near Somerville in Boston... oh gosh I MISS sushi and all of my sushi buddies -- Shauna and Wayne, Star, Kerri, Jenn, Michele, oo so many of you!

After lunch and a nice long talk... a lot of it about my recent religious choices... He has a degree in religious studies... we went and got ice cream. I skipped the gluten ice cream in favor of a simple mint chocolate ship which was delicious. Then we headed off to Gateway Park to ride the go-carts - I totally kicked butt to the point he was going to try and cheat lol. Then I beat him at air hockey. We caused a crazy line to form at fruit ninja and wandered through this silly human sized maze. Then it was off to mini golf, which I am always so mediocre at and ultimately lost my ball on the 14th hole and instead of getting me a new ball he just through his in the water too and off we went -- I was sad we missed the very awkward looking gorilla hole. A few more games and it was on to big kid games.

We ventured to this dive bar, which I think might be one of my new favorite places. Its dark and dingy and as we walked in there was a shuffle board table! I was soo excited more little pieces of home finding their way to me! The bartender ensured we had called our moms for Mother's Day before he served us, which I thought was awesome. The place has darts, pool table, fooseball, and awful sex packets in the bathrooms! What more could you want!? I had to get back for 5 to watch Grayce for Jess, so he dropped me back off at the house. Surprisingly, almost five hours went by pretty quickly, with an abundance of laughs, overall great afternoon.

Will had been home for the weekend, so he was headed out to the airport when I got back and Jess was off to work. In an attempt to keep Grayce's mind off of it and try to have some fun we headed off to the park at her school -- it is definitely the coolest one near us. We walked over and had some fun conversations - Grayce is just a smart kid its too funny sometimes. Somehow we were talking about how her friend Harper had been in cast at the beginning of the year, which turned into some weird omen/coincidence... Grayce in the monkey bar queen! We literally cannot go to a park that does not have monkey bars. Well Grayce's first go across the bars ends in a very scary fall and lots of crying and screaming. I think my shock and the scariness of it only lasted two seconds. Just enough to know it was more than a scare and she was really hurt. She is a tough kid, so it was awful to see her like that. I ended up carrying/piggy backing her all the way back to the house -- I seriously need to get back to the gym!! We got some meds in her and ice on it, but sadly it was no good. Turns out it is pretty bad and after 5 days and multiple doctors appointments the poor girl is going to have to get surgery on her arm because a growth plate in her elbow moved a lot. She has been a star through all that I have seen, poor Jess!! I wish her quick healing!

Monday was doctors - happy to know everything checked out good with me -- probably not going to be happy when I get those bills... thank you for nothing exceptionally high deductible health insurance. I got a LOT of Taft work done and then had a cooking party for our work cook off at Rick's. I made stuffed cabbage rolls with brown rice (first time using the rice cooker... oddly not a fan lol), three types of sausage, onions, baby bellas, red peppers and cheese. Which ended up winning my category! Our property SWEPT the other property in all four categories, it was a little awkward, but AWESOME!

Tuesday night I went down to Denver and met up with one of Manson's friends who was absolutely a delight. And her friends were just as great. We went to Drag Queen Bingo and it was an absolute blast. I spent entirely too much money, but it was worth it - my burger (on a crescent roll sooo yum!) and my drinks were the perfect addition to the company and entertainment. Most probably I will hang out with them on Sunday as Kat and her boyfriend as having their House Warming party. I am excited to have some new friends to look forward to hanging out with!

Wednesday was tough since I went out on Tuesday and got back late, I had to get up really early to do Taft work. Well that made it so I was tired when I got to the club for work Wednesday night. Silly me... who NEVER drinks caffeine... decided it would be a great idea to have TWO large glasses of energy drink... SOO not smart, especially because the second one was around midnight. My the time I got home around 3am I was exhausted and completely wired. What an AWFUL combination! I did not fall asleep for what felt like forever and then was woken up multiple times with texts... Needless to say that made for a tough day today. I was working on maybe 3 hours of fragmented sleep... I still am not sure if I was thankful for the AMP that Tony brought me this morning to help me get through the day. My poor stomach was about ready to have a break down.

But I made it through the work day, quite barely. I kept it together long enough to deliver my Toastmasters speech, which was hardly practiced. I totally forgot to write an ending for my speech, but besides that, I think it went pretty well. I was definitely shaking still for a good five minutes after I finished presenting my speech, but no one else seemed to notice. I thought of going out with my bod Thomas for a drink afterwards, but I realized I still had Taft work to do, plus my wind was wearing off and I figured I would pass out very soon. Yea that was at 9pm... here it is 3 hours later, I finish my Taft work and blabbered on for two entirely too long posts. I hope you all enjoy these... I am officially going to crash.

Here is to more craziness!

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