Thursday, May 16, 2013

Goodness Gracious

Gosh, I have completely forgot when the last time I posted... or quite frankly, what it was about. I know I have thought about posting a few times. I have done it once again and completely overbooked myself, but it actually feels good. Almost, like I am getting back to myself. More than I can say for quite some time.

Quick Catch up and overview:

Tuesday and Wednesday (5/7 and 5/8) I had training down in Denver for my job. I actually really enjoyed the training and the people I met were pretty cool. Of course today I got made to look like complete suck up because I was the first one to turn in our "homework". But whatever I have a prize coming in the mail!

Tuesday I went to Paul Mitchell Salon school, which was cool because it brought a little piece of home to me. My hairdresser was so adorable and bubbly; I am not really sure how I endured my 2.25 hours there, never mind enjoyed it. People like her are usually too much to take, perhaps it was the few drinks I had chatting with some fellow female hockey fan at the bar. Or perhaps I was still happy from having just wrote my Mother's Day cards out. Who knows, but my scalp rub and hand/arm massage were fabulous!

Wednesday we got out early and boss lady let me just blow off the rest of the day which was awesome! My friend Derek got the big and final screw over from our king of shitty bosses and ridiculous excuse for an HR company. Honestly, I think it is best for him in the end and I wish him all of the happiness being away from that hell hole!

Thursday I signed up to do my first speech for Toastmasters -- my Ice Breaker. I was the AH counter... not my favorite job by any means, but at least I am staying involved. They are talking about needing chairs for lead positions... I am considering potentially doing it. We shall see. Thursday was also my only day in the office this week and I STILL managed to lease an apartment! WOOT WOOT

Friday was a pretty cool day. A couple of us from work went into Denver to help spruce up a lower income property. I pulled weeds and scraped sand and painted rails and all sorts of little things. I also totally ditched my gluten free restriction for the day and housed THREE very large and actually delicious pieces of pizza! I was definitely bloated afterward, but no major issues, which I was thankful for. After my interrupted nap, I ended up hanging out with Bill and Rick from work and had a few ciders and a beer (gosh I MISS beer!!) before I had to go into Nitro (the club). I took the guys to Hazels (its an AMAZING liquor store with uber cheap prices) and then we had some Noodle and Company for dinner. YAY for Pad Thai and its rice noodles! Couldn't hold a candle to Pepper Sky, but it will do. Friday night at work was PATHETIC!!

Saturday was a freaking roller coaster. Work was up and down, mostly calm which I was very thankful for after having not really been in the office all week it was definitely needed in order to play catch up and get myself in order. Well mid-day I find out one of my most absolutely best friends from middle school and high school had died in April and I had NO idea! I was shocked, perplexed, confused. There were soo many emotions to deal with I did not even know where to begin. Margie was the third leg in my tripod with Amber. Thankfully, Amber and I have been able to stay so close, but somewhere along the way Margie drifted. Her and I had found each other a few times, but it was never quite like it had been before. As I am writing this I am so heart broken to think that I let her slip away.

On another emotionally weird note Doug (my first real boyfriend, whom I had a 3.5 year relationship with -- and fucked it up real badly)... Got married. I am so happy for him, and his wife, and his family. But at the same time it almost changes looking back and remembering all of the good times we did have together and how I know I should have handled things differently. Live Free No Regrets! Best of luck to the newest Turners, may happiness last you forever and beyond.

Add just to make my Saturday even more unusual, Rick, from work, asked me out Saturday. He's a funny guy, very smart, a huge smart ass! I actually didn't even realize what I had agreed to until after I already done so. I think my biggest concern is the whole dating a co-worker thing, but F-IT!

To Be Continued...


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