Monday, May 6, 2013

Change Hopefully Leads to More Change

So today was a mostly productive day. I have really taken a liking to having Monday's off, and greatly appreciate that Taft is the only thing "work related" that I need to do.. and that is never more than a couple hours for the whole day.

My many accomplishments for the day include:

- embracing my witchiness to help make a solid decision
- picked my next humble abode... for at least the next two months
- scheduled appointment to fix my windshield before it gets any worse (thank you fill glass coverage and no deductible)
- made appointments with the gyno, dentist, and gastro... seeing that I am way over due for them all... I am a little sad because I could not get in to see the gastro until June 3 (still quicker than my docs in Boston) which means I need to extend out this Gluten-Free trial for even longer.
- I make zucchini/squash spaghetti with shrimp, 2 zucchini/squash lasagnas, and cut up a bunch of watermelon... super excited because I should be able to get by without dropping another $70 on groceries this week...
- I finally posted the bikes on craiglists that I have had for a little while taking up room in the house since they are too big for me to ride
- I have decided to full join toastmasters, which is really exciting
- I applied to a job (my goal is 3-5 a week)
- I started to sit down and write out more of my goals and desires -- much more work to do on this...
- I made a conscious effort to try and start working on getting Rosetta Stone set up -- I tried their online demo today and really enjoyed it
- after doing some class work, I decided that it was not going to give me any helpful information for my current situation so I un-enrolled so I can put effort into other areas

I am pretty sure there was more... but you get the point. I am particularly proud of myself for just taking time for myself. I went against my recent attempts to keep myself on a sleep schedule and let myself sleep in... Sadly I am not comfortable enough to actually fully sleep in, but it felt nice regardless. I took a drive and ended up doing some reading at the over-look of Boulder this afternoon, soaking in some sun. I wish I had motivated myself to do some exercise, but ah well I will get there...

Tomorrow starts two days of training in Denver. I am excited to check out the city and hopefully meet some cool people that work for the company. Also! I get my hair cut tomorrow!! I wish I could emphasize the sheer excitement I have about this. To see these split ends gone and hopefully bring some life back to my hair will make me sooo happy.

Well off to bed. Till next time.


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