Monday, May 20, 2013

Moving Right Along

Bolder Boulder is quickly approaching and Rick and I have not decided on our costumes. A costume store adventure with his daughter Sophia was a bust for ideas, too. However, we did have a pretty awesome game of hide and seek afterwards, which was hysterical.

I had an overall decent weekend at the club. Pretty excited because there has already been talk about putting me on the bar, which would mean big time more money!! So that would be awesome. I am a little nervous though because the late nights definitely caught up with me this week and I have FOUR shifts next week. One being Sunday night before Bolder Boulder. I am sure hoping adrenaline will get me through my first 10K, haha.

I was a little sadden this week when I was offered a full time position to work on Martha's Vineyard for the summer. If only the question had come two months ago, I would have been all for it. The timing is just not right now. I am pretty invested here and know if would not be as beneficial to go. Gosh, always having to be the level headed, think things out type of person is sometimes tiring and disappointing. In my heart, I know it just wasn't meant to be. There are plenty other adventures meant to be had.

I basically moved into my bosses over the weekend, which has been fabulous. It is amazing what having one's own space can really do for you. Sometimes I forget how much I need to just get away from the world, and this place is sure good for that. I will be here till the end of the month, when I move into my new digs. I wish I could explain how excited I am to have a pool table in the house again!

But that begs the question of what to do once this lease is up...Apartment by myself, get a roommate, live on property or off, the list is endless. Will I have enough money to get my things out to Colorado? Hopefully if I start bartending I can pay off the one credit card I have right now and then save up some money too so get my stuff here. I MISS MY STUFF lol... esp my bed! Plus I miss having my own space! I know having a roommate would be cheaper, but I honestly miss having my own place soo much that I keep leaning toward it, we shall see what happens.

I stopped to think today about all of the things I am involved in right now, and I am pretty sure I have talked about this frequently, but I think I am still amazed at myself for thinking I can handle all of this...

1) Three jobs: Full Time renting apartments (40 hrs/wk); part-time marketing for Taft (10 hrs/wk); part-time cocktail waitress (10-20 hrs/wk)
2) Toastmasters (Thursday nights - more work required if giving a speech)
3) Volunteering at the Humane Society (2-4 hours a week)
4) Online Class (newest one is "Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship") (4-6 hours a week)
5) Dating -- weird new addition
6) In the midst of reading and watching Game of Thrones series
7) Moving
8) Church/religion
9) Making and building new friendships

I want to be working on:
10) Job/career search - including pursuing TSC
11) My travel guide idea
12) Networking
13) Learning a new language (should hopefully finally be finishing the set up tomorrow)
14) Exercising/gym time
15) Get back to pole!
16) Exploring

I am officially a crazy person, I have decided. Gosh, I am not quite sure how I do it, especially with all of the other everyday issues of life. I am missing my friends and family and trying to keep in touch with everyone. Struggling with emotions and feelings that I am just not used to on so many different levels. And trying to be my regular happy self through it all. Good thing I am a trooper!

Have you challenged yourself today?

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