Monday, October 14, 2013

Getting There - One Step at a Time

What a very interesting couple of weeks...

My uncle got stabbed out in Seattle, seriously scary - was in a comma for a week, is just starting to come out now. I wish I could be home for my family.  I won second place in a very large (50 booth) Chili cook-off for my chocolate pudding dessert chili for culinary expression. My best friend and brother has birthdays. Two of my best friends are going through stuff that I really wish I couldbe closer to help them through it. Mark has officially been gone 12 years -- what a strange feeling... So many things going on -- its kind of overwhelming...

So I sat down and went through my finances and tried to set some dates of when I want to have things paid off. I think If I really buckle down, take some tips from Amber about couponing, and start doing a little more planning I should really be able to accomplish it. Which could mean a new to me car for my 31 birthday... which would only be a year pushed out from my original goals for 30, but being that I technically got a new to me car for my 28th birthday.

But that car is turning out to be a pain in the ass. I was on my way to my first real girls night in here in CO and my car died on the way. Third alternator in 7 months. The mechanic does not see to think something is wrong beyond just getting bad alternators, but I am kind of skeptical. Then there is also a potential issue from the flood damage... that may not even be worth claiming through my insurance because the deductible is more.

I surely hope Tony is still a big part of my life when it comes time to buy a new car because he has a knack for it. I was so happy I got to see him on Thursday night. It is always so much fun hanging out with him. I love listening to his stories, especially when he talks about Shamus. I even got to drive his new car - Subaru WRX STI -- I am even more in love with that car than I have been since I rode in Weymo's brother's back in college! I am almost positive that is what I am going to buy when I pay off this annoying loan I took out to get here to CO. 

The gym thing did not go over very well... I went once... so I guess that is better than nothing. I do have two exercise dvd's in the player and have been doing a bunch of handstands on the pole. And my car died again so I have been 3 days without a car so I have been walking and riding my bike a lot. I am still feeling run down when I finally sit down and on my days off. I am not sure if it is the bad working environment I am working in (flooded out office with construction going on all around). But I plan to call the doc tomorrow and hopefully set up an appointment -- I am a happy energetic person and this whole lethargic crap is starting to annoy me.

I found a pretty awesome job for a college in Golden... but I need to rework my resume and get in a submission by next Monday. That is my goal... working for a college has been a goal for a while now and I had lost site of that for a little while, but I think if I can focus, and really express myself I will be able to accomplish getting myself into an established University. Ideally, I would like to have a new job for sometime around my birthday... and I am seriously considering moving closer to Denver, but that might have to wait a little bit. I do not want to tax on any additional expenses that are not absolutely mandatory... Because I really want to be able to reach my financial goals.

On a side note: I am super excited because I took a lot of stress out of coming home. I found a hotel right next to the DIA (Denver Airport) to stay at the night before my flight (which leaves at 8:15am) and leave my car at for the entire time I am on vaca. Which is awesome because my flight is supposed to get back in at 1030pm... and I was really nervous about missing the last bus home from the airport. It is amazing how much stress that has relieved from my mind. Not having to worry about relying on people is amazing for such a control freak.

Equally exciting-- I purchased all of the things to set up the projector, so football and hockey parties here we come! I am so excited! It was all relatively cheap also. Plus I was able to make sure everything got set up. TV and projector will be hooked up thru the surround sound now and I think I can even have the playstation set up through the projector and surround sound. OO the little things that make us happy.

Writing down some goals and how I plan to accomplish them, week by week. Then we can move to more wide ranging goals. I figure one step at a time -- best way to move forward is to put one foot in front of the other. Even if it is baby steps something is better than nothing. Health, fun, organization, -- I will get there. Here is to getting it done!


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