Sunday, September 29, 2013

Keeping Pace

Well I remembered to write this week, small bit of credit to me.

I have been very lethargic and quite frankly lazy this last week. I am assuming it is what my body needs so I am just going with it. I have been working on trying to start initiating small changes into my life one at a time. I know that ultimately these small steps will help me work toward a happier, healthier life. I am determined to get back into the gym this week, start making meals again (which means actually grocery shopping and planning meals), and getting back out to try new things and meet new people. As I mentioned last time, I want to get back to reading too.

Most importantly I need to start answering some tough questions about myself and where I am headed. Then I need to update my resume and start looking for the next step. I want to start utilizing my Monday's off to visit different businesses and tour what they do, maybe do some job shadowing and see what I do and do not like. It is very important to me to be onto the next stages of my life as we enter into the New Year. So a lot of soul searching, personal development and goal setting will be happening continuously from here on out.

I was super excited that I got to see Abby and Ryan this weekend. Familiar faces were so awesome! Catching up and just having someone that knows me around was great. Of course time goes by qay too quickly and it was here and gone before I knew it.

It makes me that much more excited to go home for the holidays! I am already starting to plan out when and where I need and want to be places. I am very excited about my decision to stay in New York when I get in on the Monday before Xmas. It has been a long time since I have spent any time in the city. I want to see the 9/11 memorial, do some window shopping, hopefully take a class with Star at Body and Pole (which means I really need to get my butt in gear with regaining my strength and skills), and see everything all lit up for the holidays -- maybe even skate at Rockefeller. I am unbelievably excited for seafood -- I could almost careless if I eat anything but the entire time I am home... shrimp, scallops, lobster, crab, muscles, oysters, all of it!! SOO YUM! lol

I am really hoping I can see Tony sometime next week. I think missing him has aided in my blah-ness since he left. Working so much has made making new friends here a little difficult. Well mostly because a lot of the friends I have made actually do not live in Boulder weirdly enough and getting down to Denver during the week is a little rough. But I am heading to a show this week with some new friends so that is exciting. It has been awhile since I have seen live music.

I cannot wait to find a job that will allow me to only have one job and work hard, but still have time to play -- like normal people. And not have to worry about taking night off to have fun and all that good stuff. I do not mind having to work hard and a lot, I just wish it wasn't all the time and for what seems like little to no personal reward.

Welp, here is to working toward big changes, yet again. I make things happen, and I will make this happen to.

Till next time.


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