Monday, October 28, 2013

Procrastination is Kicking My Butt

I am very annoyed with myself because I keep putting off very important things, like applying for jobs, exercising, putting things into place. I am working on me on some level, just not as much as I want to be... Keep saying tomorrow or next week or whatever...

I got my knees MRI-ed today, still need to schedule the follow up appointment. Started Physical Therapy for my hip, but have not really done the exercises for them since then. Haven't been to the gym, but at least I keep bugging Rick to get his crap together so we can go together... Once he gets back into it I know I will because we are both too competitive for our own good.

I am doing pretty good about sticking to my financial plan, and it actually makes me pretty excited to keep working toward it. It is hard to see money and not buy some things I have been wanting for a really long time. I am doing ok keeping my self control up, or at least only buying things on really good deals. I keep saying next Sunday I will get the paper and cut some coupons... that hasn't happened yet, but I will keep saying it until it does. I keep having some pretty awesome distractions...

Halloween and all that surrounds it is definitely eating up a bunch of my time. But I love it, so I am ok with it. I dressed up as carmen san diego at work on Saturday and will be a run away bride on Thursday. Tony came up this weekend to surprise Bill for his Haunted House Opening party... which was a little bit of a bust, but he got to hang out with the guys while I was at work and then Sunday was a nice relaxing day. It was so good to see him, and he got to see what sounds like this really awesome house that (without) traffic puts him only 45 minutes away instead of 4 hours. But I am excited to go and see him at his parents house next week -- do some shooting, ride the 4 wheelers, give Shamus his presents, should be fun.

I am giving a speech at Toastmasters this week, and helping organize our special event. I have to make my chocolate chili for everyone. I'm really excited it should be lots of fun. I just hope I can get my costume and all that figured out with enough time to get there early and set everything up and be ready for my speech. Thankfully, I am basically telling an over exaggerated tale of my trip to Salem. I just have to decide if I am going to do the project that focuses on hand gestures or voice variation; either one could work really.

Goals for this week:
- Make it to one more brewery
- Carve Pumpkin
- Get to the gym at least twice
- Do Taft work through next Wed (so I can enjoy my mini vaca to Tony's)
- Look into fixing my car window before it gets too cold
--- also bring it to a new mechanic to have the sensor looked at for AAA

Guess that is a good start. Have to keep reminding myself that goals only get met by taking one step at a time. Its ok to have big goals, but you need to break it down into small pieces to accomplish with deadlines to keep you on track. And with that being said I am off to bed, so maybe I will get up and go to the gym tmrw.


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