Monday, October 21, 2013

Put One Foot In Front of the Other

I feel like it should be Christmas time so I can watch "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and listen to "Put One Foot In Front of the Other" without feeling like a weirdo.  I feel like most things I going on in my life right now are literally one, small baby step at a time. Also, I just cannot wait to come home for Christmas.

Health is kind of challenging right now, but a lot of it is fixable, if I focus and work on it one step at a time... and in the instances of my hips and knees it is quite literal. I have only been on my Health Insurance Plan since May 1 and have already almost completely fulfilled by $2500 deductible.. woohoo... But hey most of my medical stuff from here till December will be completely covered haha... Bring on PT and lots of body rehab. Going in for MRI's on the knees and have to schedule physical therapy for my hip. Working on allergies and acid reflux to hopefully kill off this damn cough and fatigue I have been fighting.

With the health improvements I am determined to start eating better -- a lot more fruits and veggies and really cutting out the processed foods. Which as long as I am not too lazy to go grocery shopping I should be ok with. And getting more exercise... whether at the gym (really want to start swimming more), on the pole, or on the exercise ball or yoga mat. I just need to start... I really wish I could find myself an exercise partner to keep me motivated... I am too competitive for my own good haha.

Still going back and forth about Halloween costumes... I am hoping to do a speech for Toastmasters Halloween meeting... but we shall see... I was thinking about talking about Halloween in Salem... because for me that has always been one of the most eventful memories from growing up.

Had a great weekend hanging out with Pete, LJ, Justin and Jimmy. Its always an interesting time -- it was actually a night of firsts -- Avery (one check on my goal list), Lazy Dog, West End... plenty of new beers, and good times had by all. Plus they are always so encouraging-- all of them being like true Bouldites and super athletes.

Super excited because I got to see Tony last Thursday, he is coming up this weekend and then I am going to see him the following. I really enjoy his company. I was so happy because I found his son Shamus the hotwheels version of the car he just bought. I can't wait to hang out on the 4-wheelers and shoot some guns. Guess, its turning into something, which is also kind of nice... even if he is 4 hours away right now.

Still have to get my applications in, but I can work on that tomorrow night. My full day at the doctors and laundromat took all the energy I had... I cannot wait to feel better, I hate this not having any energy. I did get some good feedback from a toastmaster friend and worked on it a bit. I just have to clean it up a bit more and organize my cover letter a little better. And then I found another 8 or so positions that I also want to apply for.

So here is to the start of another week... and taking those steps toward making changes.


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