Monday, April 15, 2013

Tough Day

So it has been a crazy couple weeks. I got my first lease at work, have been searching like a crazy person for a third job, and am keeping my fingers crossed about other opportunities.

I have been laying low... mostly because I am broke. Also, doing pretty well on the whole gluten-free thing... although I do not feel too different. If anything I think my acid reflux is worse and I am exceptionally more gassy than usual... as if that is possible.

I have been looking into ways to sleep better... so if anyone has tips there, greatly appreciated. I already sleep in as much darkness and quite I can get. I try to maintain an even temperature in my room, dim lights before going to bed, only use my bed for sleep, don't eat right before bed, etc. But I am still sleeping like crap... I cannot get enough sleep, no matter what... I am trying to exercise more, all this damn snow we keep getting is definitely making that hard... it makes me pretty lazy... But my awesome friend Pete is going to help me get off my butt more and go hiking and stuff to check out more of Boulder.

So today sitting on the couch, being lazy because of the snow, I finished up a conference call with Taft... and decided to check facebook before I went to the gym... Yes I really had intentions to go to the gym! And that is when I saw it all... the craziness that tried to overcome Boston today. But being the proud city it is, our people stuck together, worked hard and helped all of those people who were harmed get to the help they needed. My heart sank at the thought of all of my friends in such close proximity and possibly being hurt by this horrific event. My brain spun thinking of all of the time spent in the exact space where they bombs went off and the neighboring area. The thought knowing had I been within a mile of this had I been in Boston. And then the fire at the library being soo close to my home while there.

It is all just soo surreal and head to comprehend. Who does something like this and why? Why ruin just a fun and joyous day? The Marathon, Patriot's Day... they are positive days, and should have been able to remain as such. My heart goes out to everyone who was affected by this day, physically, mentally, or emotionally. And for the people who are still not reunited with your families all positive thoughts and wishes going out to you.

On a more positive note: I started volunteering at the Humane Society to work with the dogs. I am very excited to get started. I helped out at the Canine Classic 5K Sunday morning which was fun. I had hoped to meet some hot men with cute pups, but no such luck. They have another big event coming up at the end of August (live auction) so maybe I can meet a nice, well off, hot, dog lover haha! That would be great!

In the mean time Pete keeps introducing me to his friends and they are great people to hang out with!

Here is to hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

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