Monday, April 22, 2013


Almost a week of snowing allowed for a lot of time to sit and contemplate life, finances, happiness, ideals, faith, future, the list goes on and on and on. Despite the snow I think I am up to about 5 leases which is pretty awesome and feels good. However, I have also realized how very unchallenged I am in this position. I am bored, and this saddens me... I do not know what I thought this would not be the case... as I was pretty bored doing this before and that was at a higher level. Its a shame because I really enjoy my co-workers and manager, but between the lack of money coming in and the inactivity of my brain I know I will go a little insane.

In the meantime I am trying to find ways to engage myself. I am taking an online Ancient Greece class and next week I have an Operations Management class starting. I am enjoying the Ancient Greece class, but am looking forward to the Operations class because I am positive it I going to learn some things I can put to work in my life.

I am currently trying to figure out how to get Rosetta Stone up and running so I can start learning a new language... if anyone can face time me and walk me through this I will be sooo excited and grateful, because this is something I have wanted to do for a long time and keep putting it off. I am at the point where I am sick of putting anything off if not absolutely necessary.

I have been pretty good about applying for both third jobs (to keep my head above water) and new career options. I need to stay on top of it... but keeping the motivation up is a little difficult. But I am keeping the faith and doing everything I can to stay positive. I am reallly wanting this Account Executive position with The Starr Conspiracy in Fort Worth, TX. Everything about the company seems right up my alley and they job sounds awesome and challenging and a great step in the direction I would like to head with my career. So everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me!!

I looked at my first apartment today. I have soo many decisions to consider. I have to decide how much money I am willing to spend and if I am willing to sign a lease right now, and if so what is an acceptable amount of time. How many roommates and I willing to live with? Men, females, animals?? I talked to a really nice lady, and LOVED the pictures of the kitchen and its .5 miles from my job, but its toward the higher end of my desired price range and is a 6 month lease. The place I saw today is good sized, has its own bathroom, and is about the same distance from the place I am staying now and is only through July...Ideally, I want to be in a place by June 1st because Jess is not really sure of their situation and I do not want to be left without a place to go... so we shall see what happens...

I am kind of distracted and will try to write more later... for now I need to try and get to the gym before they close... Farewell for now.


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