Friday, April 26, 2013

Full Plate

My last entry gave a glimpse into the variety and chaos I have invited into my life lately. But I figured I would take a moment to elaborate for you all. Thinking about it all and trying to express the multitude of things I have going on, in it of itself, feels overwhelming. However, somehow in day to day life, I have managed to make it work, without driving myself completely insane! Something to be proud of for sure!

The question of the evening... Where to start??

Prior to leaving CT I was feeling the need to challenge myself, questioning the idea of going back to school - and whether or not I could handle it or would like it, and just generally yearning for more out of life. So I signed up for a FREE online course! Something simple, which would not take up too much of my time to start, and that would still be interesting. I found a Ancient Greece course, which stated it would only take 4-6 hours a week. I could definitely handle that... And for the most part I am. I wish I was a little bit more involved and doing more of the readings, but by the time I finish this entry you will be astonished I am even sticking with it! Ha, and I start ANOTHER class next week! A more in depth, more relate-able course on Operations Management which requires more time... and YES they overlap for at least a week!! UGH what did I do to myself! I will get through and get credit for them because that is who I am. Also, Jon (my brother-in-law) and I are supposed to be learning (relearning for him) German. He gave me the basics for getting is going, but apparently I am partially computer illiterate and cannot figure it out... So my intentions are to be able to have that set up and start actually learning by the second week of May (I am hoping I will have a schedule more down pat by then to fit it in lol)

On the job front I started a full-time position here in Boulder at the end of March (it was a month yesterday). Its a typical 40 hour work week... well technically a little less because my boss is freaking awesome! I get a hour lunch break, which I did not think I was going to enjoy at first, but I have come to appreciate it. I can get work done for Taft, catch up on "school work", fill it up with Game of Thrones -- I has some tv series catching up to do and now I am doing the same with the books, or this week going back to my temporary home to let the pup out and make lunch. So full time job, part-time Taft, which because it is so hectic I am not doing as much as I would like... and then I just agreed to cocktail serve at the Club in Boulder 3-4 nights a week. OO yes the Jess you all know and love and wish you got to see more often is back in full swing! Look out 60-70 hour work weeks you do NOT know who you are messing with! I GOT THIS!

While I absolutely enjoy the people I am working with at the day job... unfortunately it is just not lucrative enough to entertain staying there for a long time. Additionally, one of the reasons for this adventure was to get away from having to work 60-70 hours a week to make ends meat. It might be different if my job was challenging and was teaching me something, but more often than not I am bored or completely goofing off with the rest of the team. Many people might or will think I am crazy for complaining about that, but I enjoy working, I LOVE a challenge. By no means am I one to take the easy route through life, and that is exactly what I feel like I am doing at the moment. So I look for new careers. And even more importantly, I am working on trying to work my way into my dream company to learn, grow, and become a part of something bigger with them. I am in the process of starting a new blog centered around my experience with them and my desire for wanting to work with them. I made up a card relating surviving the Zombie Apocalypse to surviving in the work place and plan to get that to them by Monday. They are moving into their new facility next month (major growth of the last couple years and it is continuing into the future) and I figure while they are in the process of growth it is the best time to make myself a valid candidate for hire! So wish me luck, send me feedback and ideas, and over all keep a positive thought for me please!

As if I wasn't busy enough I decided that I needed to start getting involved so I could meet people and start creating a life here in Boulder. So I decided to volunteer and start joining groups. The first volunteering I got involved with was the Humane Society. I have my second event with them tomorrow and then on the 5th I can finally start playing with the puppies! I am sooooo excited! Mondays are going to be the highlight of my week for sure! Tomorrow they are running this Alice in Wonderland related auction event and my co-workers helped to make me an Ace of Spade (the cards painting the roses) so I can dress up! I am ecstatic that they took this so seriously; I cannot wait to see my costume. And then on Thursdays, I just joined Toastmasters. I figured with what I do it never hurts to learn how to speak better in front of people. It will probably help when I go to open my own business as some point. So hopefully, as long as I can get Thursday nights off from the club I plan on joining that and seeing what happens from there.

In other life related things: I have been trying to be healthier in so many respects. I am trying to get to the gym regularly and if I am not going in the morning I am trying to do at least ten to fifteen minutes of stretching (it is insane how quickly you can lose your flexibility!!). I have somehow managed to seriously increase my dental hygiene (sadly this hasn't been my most paid attention to area) including regular flossing and steps toward home whitening. And not to mention this lovely no gluten, no -soy dietary change that I have initiated since being here on suggestion of the doctors. I honestly do not feel any better... if anything I feel like certain things are worse... like my acid reflux and I have been at least 75% better about taking my meds not only regularly but actually properly too. -- That is an entirely differently story. So medical benefits kick in on May first... and although the first $2500
 has to come out of my pocket... I plan on setting up a few appointments just to set a basis and talk with someone about where I am at and where to go from here.

I have made a promise to myself to learn more about both of the major faiths in my life. My Christian side (not sure I have what it takes to really embrace Catholicism at this point) and Wicca. I am determined to learn more about the Sabbaths, traditions, and practices of my Wiccan background. While also embracing some of the ideals and practices of the Christian world. I have checked out one church so far and have others in mind for the next couple weeks. I am trying to find an interesting Unitarian Church, which seem to be more welcoming of all religions... but the closest one seems too boring to even check out, but we shall see.

And, I guess, finally, I am trying to figure out the next steps and find my own space. Jess is not sure what their plan is, and neither of us want me to get stuck in limbo so I have been doing some serious apartment searching over the last week and a half... and by apartment I mean room. Ideally, I have been looking for summer sublets so that I can have time to figure out where I want to be, how much I can afford, etc. I have seen about 7 places so far and have 2 more to see. So far only one really stands out and that was one of the ones I saw today. The one I have scheduled to see on Sunday is also very appealing, except they want a 6 month lease. So we shall have to see what happens. I will think it all over more tomorrow. Mostly I am being optimistic about getting hired with The Starr Conspiracy and would hate to have to break a lease. So here is to fingers crossed all around!

So yes... I am sure at least a couple of your heads are spun around right now just from reading this. And, honestly, reading this it makes me go wow! However, I know that I have this! I am so positive about this adventure. It was the absolute right thing to do and its going to lead to amazing things. Mostly because I am determined for it to do so. I hope everyone who reads this will say a prayer, make a wish, plant a seed, or whatever it is that you do for good luck to another on me getting this position with The Starr Conspiracy because since reading about them in December I have had no doubt that I am supposed to have a connection with this company and I greatly look forward to making that come to succession.

So go have a drink, cup of tea, smoke, mediation time, or whatever it is that calms you down. Keep a positive light about you for yourself and all those around you. And know that I wish you the best of the best in all that you do and greatly appreciate you taking the time to get wrapped up in my life, such a tiny piece of the world and universe that surrounds you. Blessed Be.


Monday, April 22, 2013


Almost a week of snowing allowed for a lot of time to sit and contemplate life, finances, happiness, ideals, faith, future, the list goes on and on and on. Despite the snow I think I am up to about 5 leases which is pretty awesome and feels good. However, I have also realized how very unchallenged I am in this position. I am bored, and this saddens me... I do not know what I thought this would not be the case... as I was pretty bored doing this before and that was at a higher level. Its a shame because I really enjoy my co-workers and manager, but between the lack of money coming in and the inactivity of my brain I know I will go a little insane.

In the meantime I am trying to find ways to engage myself. I am taking an online Ancient Greece class and next week I have an Operations Management class starting. I am enjoying the Ancient Greece class, but am looking forward to the Operations class because I am positive it I going to learn some things I can put to work in my life.

I am currently trying to figure out how to get Rosetta Stone up and running so I can start learning a new language... if anyone can face time me and walk me through this I will be sooo excited and grateful, because this is something I have wanted to do for a long time and keep putting it off. I am at the point where I am sick of putting anything off if not absolutely necessary.

I have been pretty good about applying for both third jobs (to keep my head above water) and new career options. I need to stay on top of it... but keeping the motivation up is a little difficult. But I am keeping the faith and doing everything I can to stay positive. I am reallly wanting this Account Executive position with The Starr Conspiracy in Fort Worth, TX. Everything about the company seems right up my alley and they job sounds awesome and challenging and a great step in the direction I would like to head with my career. So everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me!!

I looked at my first apartment today. I have soo many decisions to consider. I have to decide how much money I am willing to spend and if I am willing to sign a lease right now, and if so what is an acceptable amount of time. How many roommates and I willing to live with? Men, females, animals?? I talked to a really nice lady, and LOVED the pictures of the kitchen and its .5 miles from my job, but its toward the higher end of my desired price range and is a 6 month lease. The place I saw today is good sized, has its own bathroom, and is about the same distance from the place I am staying now and is only through July...Ideally, I want to be in a place by June 1st because Jess is not really sure of their situation and I do not want to be left without a place to go... so we shall see what happens...

I am kind of distracted and will try to write more later... for now I need to try and get to the gym before they close... Farewell for now.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Tough Day

So it has been a crazy couple weeks. I got my first lease at work, have been searching like a crazy person for a third job, and am keeping my fingers crossed about other opportunities.

I have been laying low... mostly because I am broke. Also, doing pretty well on the whole gluten-free thing... although I do not feel too different. If anything I think my acid reflux is worse and I am exceptionally more gassy than usual... as if that is possible.

I have been looking into ways to sleep better... so if anyone has tips there, greatly appreciated. I already sleep in as much darkness and quite I can get. I try to maintain an even temperature in my room, dim lights before going to bed, only use my bed for sleep, don't eat right before bed, etc. But I am still sleeping like crap... I cannot get enough sleep, no matter what... I am trying to exercise more, all this damn snow we keep getting is definitely making that hard... it makes me pretty lazy... But my awesome friend Pete is going to help me get off my butt more and go hiking and stuff to check out more of Boulder.

So today sitting on the couch, being lazy because of the snow, I finished up a conference call with Taft... and decided to check facebook before I went to the gym... Yes I really had intentions to go to the gym! And that is when I saw it all... the craziness that tried to overcome Boston today. But being the proud city it is, our people stuck together, worked hard and helped all of those people who were harmed get to the help they needed. My heart sank at the thought of all of my friends in such close proximity and possibly being hurt by this horrific event. My brain spun thinking of all of the time spent in the exact space where they bombs went off and the neighboring area. The thought knowing had I been within a mile of this had I been in Boston. And then the fire at the library being soo close to my home while there.

It is all just soo surreal and head to comprehend. Who does something like this and why? Why ruin just a fun and joyous day? The Marathon, Patriot's Day... they are positive days, and should have been able to remain as such. My heart goes out to everyone who was affected by this day, physically, mentally, or emotionally. And for the people who are still not reunited with your families all positive thoughts and wishes going out to you.

On a more positive note: I started volunteering at the Humane Society to work with the dogs. I am very excited to get started. I helped out at the Canine Classic 5K Sunday morning which was fun. I had hoped to meet some hot men with cute pups, but no such luck. They have another big event coming up at the end of August (live auction) so maybe I can meet a nice, well off, hot, dog lover haha! That would be great!

In the mean time Pete keeps introducing me to his friends and they are great people to hang out with!

Here is to hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Broken Promises

Yet again I have not kept up with this... But it has been pretty hectic couple weeks.

I started and made it through the first week at work. It was a bit boring... I still am waiting on some passwords and stuff but the people are pretty awesome so I am of with it. I freaked out a little bit about the insurance they offer... $2500 deductible... but the company contributes toward the savings account each pay period so that is helpful.

I found a great spot for my Monday nights. Met a bunch of pretty cool people, played free pool until 10, learned how to play fooseball, $5 burgers and cheap good beer - who wouldn't love it?! I kind of ditched out this week for a few reasons... I started a gluten-free/soy-free dietary change to hopefully help make my stomach feel better. This has made me a little sluggish. I have not been exercising either which adds to the sluggishness. The $5 burgers and beer are very tempting and trying to remain gluten free that does not help... esp not on the first day... Additionally, I spent a ridiculous amount of money yesterday eating out a bunch and I figure I should probably try to slow down my spending.

The week before I started work, I decided to go and get my eyebrows waxed... OMG I could kill some people! I specifically mentioned my soy allergy because I have had issues in the past at salons with different lotions and things. Ends up the chick doing my eyebrows waxed me with soy based wax!!! After we had a convo about my allergy!! I was pissed. The estichian was awful, I had to write corporate in order to even get a refund on my waxing and they took it so lightly. The manager actually had the audacity to say that she hopes this situation would not keep me from coming back and shopping at the store. Ya right lady!! Like I would ever go back there. I was having an allergic reaction (skin and other allergy symptoms) for almost a full week.

Will got a job and headed off to Sacramento for four months. And Jess' bro is still in town. Thank goodness for Pete and Lara for putting me up for a couple nights while the house was a little too packed to deal with. So needless to say its been kind of chaotic... poor grayce and jess are both trying to deal with Will leaving... but kind of not quite dealing since greg is still here.

It was sad missing mom's birthday and easter. Not that I have had every easter at home, but I usually at least have a a sit down dinner... this year I just spent a shit ton of money -- breakfast and drinks at snooze, shopping for easter stuff, then dinner and dessert at Oskar Blues... rough day for the pocket book. I am seriously missing home and my family and friends as I am kind of getting settled in. Its a little tough not having my actual own space yet, but we shall see what happens.

highlights: making positive changes in my life, hopefully getting more work through Taft coming soon, getting good amounts of taft work in, liking the people I work with, meeting lots of cool people both through Jess and Pete and Lara. Hopefully the sun will start shining regularly- sunday was so nice I got a bit of a sun burn -- gotta lot the high altitudes!  well that is enough blubber for now. I will try and be better about this...

I am also trying to learn a new language-- if i can ever get my program to work, taking a class on ancient greece, and trying to be as involved as possible. here is to a good week!