Friday, January 18, 2013

Adventure Awaits


Welcome back! I am super excited to tell everyone that I am no longer with the job I hate! I quit on Tuesday and I have not looked back. This is a change I have been planning and looking forward to for a long time and it feels GREAT to have taken the step in the right direction.

I am home in CT for exactly 24 more days, seeing as many family and friends as I can and making the most of my limited time. What is next you ask?? ADVENTURE!

I will be taking off on Sunday, Feb 10 -- after an awesome going away/birthday party the night before. -- Details to come on that one.

I plan to spend the day in Philly with an old co-worker, maybe crashing on her couch, maybe heading to Maryland to see a college buddy and meet his awesome GF.... and maybe crash on their couch for a night.

From Maryland the next stop will be a Knoxville, where my awesome friend Sean has arranged for me to crash with his cousin. I plan to take the long route through Chattnoga and visit the Jack Daniels Factory then probably spend a night in Nashville at Sean's uncles place. There is a good chance I will stop for a bite to eat in Memphis on my way to Little Rock.

Why Little Rock you say? Well my hair dresser is there of course?! My eye brows are out of control and my hair needs a little revitalizing. so why the heck not!

Then it is on down to Texas for little Brynn's birthday and Christening. I do not have this as planned out as I would like at this point... but am super excited for it! Especially because by some random happenstance Travis will be down there the same time I am so I will get to visit him too!  So a few days with Amber, Jimmy and Brynn and the animals; Hopefully I will get to see my Uncle Mark... if he happens to be in town at all... TRAVIS and his family, who I am very excited to meet. And then of course Matt... I am excited... but not sure if I should be... that situation is very confusing...a story for a different time...

From there I will visit with Abby and Ryan in OK... hopefully I will get to see their new house since they just signed on that not too long ago! Super excited for them!

And then the final leg is to Boulder to stay with Jess, Will and Grayce for a little bit. Oddly enough Pete and LJ from Boston live right down the road from them, so that could be lots of fun! And that is where the journey ends for now. Of course I will have to make a few day trip into the mountains to go visit Joe, or perhaps I will just make him get me a job and spend my winter in the mountains with him... who knows.

The plan after that is completely and 100% up in the air. I am, have been, and will continue to apply for jobs in CO and TX, but until something comes up... Everything is left to work itself out on its own.

If you couldn't tell by my excessive babbling I am overly excited for this adventure! Now I just need to find a truck to take it in! HAHA

Until next time!


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