Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ready to Connect

So in all of the excitement of this crazy adventure I found my DREAM place to work! The Starr Conspiracy is a growing marketing agency in the Fort Worth area of Texas that has me hooked! They seem like such a fun-loving, yet hard working company that gets their goals accomplished and then some. I mean Star Wars, Zombies, Ping Pong, Dickies, Kick Ball, Drinks, Ghosts, and walking on the Moon. They are determined to do right by their customers and clients even if that means admitting to something not working or going as according to plan. They have a "huddle" every day, which its motivating and exemplifies a great team ethic.

I WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS FAMILY! I applied for an entry level position because I do not have agency experience but was denied. I thinking ultimately I am over qualified for the position I applied for... but I still want so badly to work for them! I am following their blog, regularly check their website, follow them on their social media sites, etc.

I have never had a company grasp me so entirely. They call of their associates agents! I will be making my way to Texas very soon, and am trying to concoct a way to just introduce myself and get myself in their radar. I do not need to work with them today or next month, but I would love to say that at least within the next 6 -18 months I am a very proud Agent 047 at The Starr Conspiracy.

I am thinking I will try to get in with another agency just to get some experience in that particular type of marketing. Meanwhile on my journey, I will meet as many people as I can, make as many true connections as possible, and even more great memories. Like the book my uncle gave me that I am slowly finding time to read, I am ready to make art - something "new, complex, vital" - ready to make those human connections.

Are you ready to connect with me?

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