Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I finally got a job offer and took it. And I know some might be wondering after reading previous posts if it is a job I want, and that I can grow in or if it is just something I took because it was there.

Well I believe that it is something that I really want to do and can be good at.

I accepted a leasing/service coordinator position with an apartment community in downtown New Haven.

The job is very multi-faceted which is what I truly need. I get to create, build, and strengthen relationships with a variety of people. The company is also excited to have my background in guerrilla marketing to help add a different edge to our business.

I start the first week of November, after a lovely tonsil surgery. I am very excited, to have a something new to look forward to. I cannot wait to jump head first into this great opportunity and make myself a place in this world.

However, I still want to sit down and establish a laundry list of sorts of the skill sets I need and already possess to eventually one day open my own restaurant and music venue. (If anyone has any advice or input on this, I would greatly appreciate it.) When I last spoke with one of my most influential college professors a couple weeks ago this was her suggestion. This new position is definitely something that I think I will enjoy for awhile, and will give me plenty of experience. However, I also want to keep my future goals in mind. I want to make sure I am keeping my eyes open for opportunities to gain, improve, and renew skill sets that will be essential to my success later down the road.

So here is to the future - and the present

8 Rules of Innovation

http://lateralaction.com/articles/tyler-durden-innovation/ <<<< GO READ THIS NOW!!

This post is quite eye opening, if you let it be. Yes, funny that they are using Fight Club to tell us how to get more out of your life, but if you know the story if makes perfect sense.

We all need to take life by the reins and stop worrying about all the little things... which brings me to something else I read today... Perspective...

A philosophy professor stood before his class with some articles before him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large empty glass jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cans of beer from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

Then said the professor, as the laughter subsided:
"Now, I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things: your family, your children, your health, your friends, your favorite passions – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full."

"The pebbles are the other things that matter: like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else – the small stuff."

"If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you."

"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another round of golf. There will always be time to clean the house, and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first. Those are the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

There was a pause, and then a truculent student voice from the back muttered "What about the beer?" The professor smiled.
"I'm glad you asked! It just goes to show that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers with your friends!"

I do not very often take the time to read these things, until late, and am very happy I have. I want nothing more than to get ahold of my life once again, and here is where I start.

Have a great day and stay tuned...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I am officially getting some where. Interviews and emails are involved, and I am happy just to have some progress.

I have an interview on Friday with a consulting firm for a glorified admin position, but there is room for growth, marketing related tasks, and high involvement with a variety of different people. Big bonus its a smaller up and coming company.

Next week I have an interview with a corporate restaurant for an entry level management position, which would not be bad because I really do love the restaurant business... minus not having weekends off...

And I had a couple initial email requests for my information with a few companies.

Also, I took the time today to get in contact with the career services at Bryant. I am now on the Job Source weekly email list. And a part of a Alumni Career Link, which is a basic networking forum to speak with different alumni in a variety of fields for information interviews, info about their companies and experiences, job shadowing possibilities, and other such things. I also sent my resume in to be critiqued by some professionals.

My Uncle is sending me to a Seth Godin seminar in October, which should be ... eye opening if nothing else.

Typing it all out I felt like I had been much more productive, but I am not discouraged. Here's to the fight!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What I Want In A Career

After some careful analysis of my personality, and reading through an assessment of myself (thanks to JobFox) I had really come to a better conclusion of what I am looking for in my new career.

- Change: I am not the kind of girl that can sit behind a desk all day and be happy, especially if you are doing the same very thing day in and say out

- Interaction: I need to be able to speak with and have the opportunity to exchange ideas with a variety of different people. I am ok to not constantly be surrounded by people (as I am happy with working individually), however, inevitably I would like the opportunity to be a part of a team in some way, shape or form.

- Challenges: I am the type of person that likes to excel (at pretty much everything I attempt). I need that source of challenge in my life to keep me motivated and push me toward success. I do not want to feel bored in my position on a regular basis. I thrive in fast-paced, multi-tasking environments, and hope for such.

- Responsibility: I truly enjoy knowing that the outcome of success lies majorly in my hands. Or at least knowing that I have a part in it. As much as I know when to take the back seat when working in teams, I am more often than not the one to set-up and make things happen. I would like the chance to prove myself. To even have other teammates and peers rely on my.

- Acknowledgment: I do not need a pat on the back for everything I am doing well. However, when something big comes along that is done efficiently and effectively it is important that I know so. Not only does it boost my esteem and confidence, it heightens my desires to continue doing things to the best of my ability.

- Feedback: While very similar to acknowledgment, this includes the positives and negatives. If I am not working up to par, or could be doing something a little bit differently to make things better, I want to know. It is very important to me to be working to the best of my abilities, and to learn how to go above and beyond those abilities. So regular feedback, formal and informal are very important.

- Casual Work Environment: This is not so much in the sense of dress, but more the attitude. I am a very open-minded person and hope to work with others like me. Although, I also do feel it is very important to all have varying views and personalities. Very few new and exciting ideas will consistently come from a group of people who are all too similar. Plus where does friendly debate and broadening horizons come into play.

- Ability to Learn: This is potentially my biggest concern and the only real attribute that I have been looking for thus far. At this point in my life I do not feel like I am learning enough. Being practically fresh out of college, I feel as if my brain was just let to sit. This is sincerely bothersome. Whether through constant training, tuition reimbursement, or any other means I hope to be learning something new on a consistent basis. Whether it be about the job it self, a new product or customer, or about some other random happen stance in the world. I want to be fed information until I explode.

- Opportunity for Advancement: This is also one that I had previously thought about, especially being that I am simply serving and bartending at the moment, I of course would like to move up in the world. I mostly started thinking about this need in a new career when I was offered a position as an Activities Director with a Housing Community. There was no where to go from that position, except from working the night shift to taking the day shift director's position. Now to some it might be great to come in at the top. However, I know that there is a chain, and I have NO problem working my way up that chain, learning all the ins and outs as I make my way. Granted I would like the movement (even if it is sometimes on the same level versus moving directly up) to be at a reasonable pace; I do not want to wait five years for my first promotion.

No those are nine solid things to hope to find in a career (in my opinion). The next part is to start looking for them. Or at least in my position to figure out how to go about looking for such attributes.

Signing out.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Job Fox

My Uncle Peter - is my saving grace when it comes to my job hunt... constantly sending me information and websites and blogs and and the newest thing - JobFox...

That is my new profile. Please check it out and let me know what you think. As said before I can use all of the help I can get.

Here is to hoping. And I know I have to get much better at the keeping up with my posts.

Friday, August 29, 2008

I wanted to start with stating how inefficient I am at maintaining a Blog, but I figured putting myself down is not the way to success. So instead I am simply going to congratulate myself for even remembering to write. It is a start and I will accept that.

So pleasant things are happening in my current part-time jobs. Two of the three places are looking for me to take on some more responsibility and shifts. Only thing is I would have to do a lot of shuffling and probably end up losing out on some things because there is a lot of over lap when it comes to the shifts I would need to work.

On the more stable front of searching, I did have a response back from the Princeton Review, which was very exciting. It finally made me take the time to review and revise my resume and I fixed it up and sent it back out to them. Now I am just waiting for another contact from them.

There is a part time clerical position that I have been contemplating going for in the last two days or so, but I wanted to see what panned out with the other part time jobs I already have. Plus I do not want to put the man who I would be working for in a tight spot when I do find a full-time position.

Writing here reminds me that I need to update my resume on Careerbuilder and the other job post websites I am on. Guess I will go do that now.

Have a good day!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What I Have Been Up To

I will begin simply with the start of my most recent job search...

I, first, would like to openly admit that I am not doing all I could do. This I fear is mostly because I am afraid... of what I am not sure.

I am a bartender/server and a gymnastics coach right now. I enjoy the things I do, however, they are not what I want to do all of my life.

I have spoken with my bosses at the restaurant about their new restaurant they are opening up about the possibilities of working into a manager position. However, there is a problem in that when I left the restaurant in Nov. to pursue other paths they had plans of having this new restaurant open for the New Year. It is now August and they have just recently had the building handed over to them. Leading me to the fact that I cannot just wait around forever waiting for them to get their act together. A Bar Manager position has just recently opened up, that I will try and speak to them about this week.

As far as on the search front, I have an updated resume, but I am not sure exactly how I feel about it. I actually have two resumes, one mostly just business related and the other with my restaurant and more customer service related positions. However, I feel that it is important to display all of these skills in one resume and I have not found a way to do so, such that I feel comfortable dispersing it. It is also hard trying to personalize my resume, my aunt had suggested having a short paragraph about my skills, what I have to offer and what I am looking for. My biggest problem there being I am no really sure what I am looking for.

I know I want a career and not just a job. I know I want to be able to learn something new on a regular basis. I need something challenging, but not to the point where I get completely stressed out. I want security and health benefits and the ability to move up in the company. I know I do not want to be couped up in a cubical all day not getting to really interact. I love being creative and getting involved with numerous different things and people.

Ok well those are just some of the things I am looking for, but back to how I have been searching...

I at least four times a week jump onto careerbuilder, hcareers, and craigslist to look for positions and each time I am on I try to apply to a minimum of five positions. I know I should update my resumes on the other sites, but I do not know why I have not made myself do that yet. I consistently get job updates from numerous companies and sites. AHL is just one example of the sites that send me their job updates.

Working at a restaurant and speaking with a lot of people I am constantly trying to build the contacts and relationships. However, again I know I could be doing more. I know that when I get people's business cards I should be sending them an email that week and just reminding them of me and trying to keep in contact. (Ha, I guess this is starting to become a check list - putting myself better along on the path.)

I try to read things that I come across about job search and things like that. Hopefully this will help me get on target, and if nothing else get me further in gear.

I know I will be successful and I am definitely willing to fight to get there. But I could use any and all the help I can find to get there.

Here Goes Nothing

Hi! My name is Jessica. I have a really great uncle who is always doing his best to inspire me and help me win my fight toward success. His most recent way was sending me the blog of someone blogging about his search of finding a job. This quickly caught my attention, as was said by my uncle, he has "the smarts to advertise that (he is) looking for a job to a massive list of people who can probably help him get one". So here is my unoriginal idea (always give credit where it is due - Thank you Daniel Feuer).

Prelude: This being my first attempt at this I foresee it being very jumbled and chaotic at points. I do not want to start revising myself just yet. I would like to be able to find my flow with writing in a way that is fulfilling for myself, but also brings the reader something.

A little bit about myself...

I am a Bryant University Graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing with a Minor in Communication.

I have a somewhat ranging area of experience. I have held basic to managerial positions in restaurants, marketing internships with a health center and a ballet company, ran a shoe store, did marketing and event planning for a tax company. I have done office work, built rooms, and heavy duty cleaning. I walk dogs, teach children gymnastics, and help fix basic problems with cars.

I love learning and truly want to go back to school for a Master's Degree, and a Massage Therapist License.

I think I am multifaceted and very flexible. Ambitious and truly determined to succeed at everything I do.

I love meeting new people!

I am nervous about my writing abilities as I maintain high aspirations and standards for myself, and I have not written for other people's eyes on a regular basis in quite some time.

I feel grounded, but very lost. My ambitions are not as guided as I would hope, however, I feel that leaves me open to many more possibilities.

I think one day I want to own a restaurant with its own music venue in the back, but I know I have a lot to learn before that day comes.

The biggest thing I want from any job or career is the ability to learn something new every day!

I love all sorts of feedback because it helps to keep my on point and constantly allows me to improve myself.