Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I am officially getting some where. Interviews and emails are involved, and I am happy just to have some progress.

I have an interview on Friday with a consulting firm for a glorified admin position, but there is room for growth, marketing related tasks, and high involvement with a variety of different people. Big bonus its a smaller up and coming company.

Next week I have an interview with a corporate restaurant for an entry level management position, which would not be bad because I really do love the restaurant business... minus not having weekends off...

And I had a couple initial email requests for my information with a few companies.

Also, I took the time today to get in contact with the career services at Bryant. I am now on the Job Source weekly email list. And a part of a Alumni Career Link, which is a basic networking forum to speak with different alumni in a variety of fields for information interviews, info about their companies and experiences, job shadowing possibilities, and other such things. I also sent my resume in to be critiqued by some professionals.

My Uncle is sending me to a Seth Godin seminar in October, which should be ... eye opening if nothing else.

Typing it all out I felt like I had been much more productive, but I am not discouraged. Here's to the fight!

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