Thursday, August 21, 2008

What I Have Been Up To

I will begin simply with the start of my most recent job search...

I, first, would like to openly admit that I am not doing all I could do. This I fear is mostly because I am afraid... of what I am not sure.

I am a bartender/server and a gymnastics coach right now. I enjoy the things I do, however, they are not what I want to do all of my life.

I have spoken with my bosses at the restaurant about their new restaurant they are opening up about the possibilities of working into a manager position. However, there is a problem in that when I left the restaurant in Nov. to pursue other paths they had plans of having this new restaurant open for the New Year. It is now August and they have just recently had the building handed over to them. Leading me to the fact that I cannot just wait around forever waiting for them to get their act together. A Bar Manager position has just recently opened up, that I will try and speak to them about this week.

As far as on the search front, I have an updated resume, but I am not sure exactly how I feel about it. I actually have two resumes, one mostly just business related and the other with my restaurant and more customer service related positions. However, I feel that it is important to display all of these skills in one resume and I have not found a way to do so, such that I feel comfortable dispersing it. It is also hard trying to personalize my resume, my aunt had suggested having a short paragraph about my skills, what I have to offer and what I am looking for. My biggest problem there being I am no really sure what I am looking for.

I know I want a career and not just a job. I know I want to be able to learn something new on a regular basis. I need something challenging, but not to the point where I get completely stressed out. I want security and health benefits and the ability to move up in the company. I know I do not want to be couped up in a cubical all day not getting to really interact. I love being creative and getting involved with numerous different things and people.

Ok well those are just some of the things I am looking for, but back to how I have been searching...

I at least four times a week jump onto careerbuilder, hcareers, and craigslist to look for positions and each time I am on I try to apply to a minimum of five positions. I know I should update my resumes on the other sites, but I do not know why I have not made myself do that yet. I consistently get job updates from numerous companies and sites. AHL is just one example of the sites that send me their job updates.

Working at a restaurant and speaking with a lot of people I am constantly trying to build the contacts and relationships. However, again I know I could be doing more. I know that when I get people's business cards I should be sending them an email that week and just reminding them of me and trying to keep in contact. (Ha, I guess this is starting to become a check list - putting myself better along on the path.)

I try to read things that I come across about job search and things like that. Hopefully this will help me get on target, and if nothing else get me further in gear.

I know I will be successful and I am definitely willing to fight to get there. But I could use any and all the help I can find to get there.

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