Friday, August 29, 2008

I wanted to start with stating how inefficient I am at maintaining a Blog, but I figured putting myself down is not the way to success. So instead I am simply going to congratulate myself for even remembering to write. It is a start and I will accept that.

So pleasant things are happening in my current part-time jobs. Two of the three places are looking for me to take on some more responsibility and shifts. Only thing is I would have to do a lot of shuffling and probably end up losing out on some things because there is a lot of over lap when it comes to the shifts I would need to work.

On the more stable front of searching, I did have a response back from the Princeton Review, which was very exciting. It finally made me take the time to review and revise my resume and I fixed it up and sent it back out to them. Now I am just waiting for another contact from them.

There is a part time clerical position that I have been contemplating going for in the last two days or so, but I wanted to see what panned out with the other part time jobs I already have. Plus I do not want to put the man who I would be working for in a tight spot when I do find a full-time position.

Writing here reminds me that I need to update my resume on Careerbuilder and the other job post websites I am on. Guess I will go do that now.

Have a good day!

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