Monday, February 13, 2012

Bed Time Brain Buzzing

So as I was getting ready to turn off the lights and settle in for the night, I realized I hadn't written on here in a few days. I am really determined to stick with this, at least writing once a week... So here goes the thoughts as I got ready for bed...

Am I made for the corporate world??

All I have seen of it thus far is red tape, unrealistic expectations handed down from people who sit at desks and have no idea what actually happens on the day to day. There is so much corruption, lying, manipulating, politics, and just general ass-kissing...

I want truth, I want actuality, I want realizable and attainable goals, I want trust and friendship in my peers. I want a mentor, a guide, and not one that teaches me how to play the game...

I hate that this is what our world and business has come to. I want to have a successful business built on good relationships, honest business and personal interactions, and a good standing in high morals and virtue.

Am I being naive? Is this possible? Am I in the wrong area? Is it all business? Is it all corporate businesses?


I am pretty sure one of the two people I have managed to form a relationship with at work left today... I do not know if it was her choice or not... and I have no details... I just know that because of my damn caring nature and ability to read people I accidentally got myself put into the situation a little bit without the right or ability to ask any questions and its so frustrating. I do not want to lose my only potential friend at work... when I am already having such a hard time finding reasons and ways to stay happy.

I just want to go back to being the happy person I usually am... I hope I can make that person a full time part of my life... and not someone that goes sulking away every morning when I walk through those doors....

There is still so much more reeling through my head... but I worry how much I should and should not share on here. I do not want to get myself in trouble, or have any questions raised about me or my loyalties... Again, I just want to be happy at work... and sadly right now I am not feeling that too much...

Here is to hoping for a brighter future... and working hard every day to get there!

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