Monday, February 13, 2012

Bed Time Brain Buzzing

So as I was getting ready to turn off the lights and settle in for the night, I realized I hadn't written on here in a few days. I am really determined to stick with this, at least writing once a week... So here goes the thoughts as I got ready for bed...

Am I made for the corporate world??

All I have seen of it thus far is red tape, unrealistic expectations handed down from people who sit at desks and have no idea what actually happens on the day to day. There is so much corruption, lying, manipulating, politics, and just general ass-kissing...

I want truth, I want actuality, I want realizable and attainable goals, I want trust and friendship in my peers. I want a mentor, a guide, and not one that teaches me how to play the game...

I hate that this is what our world and business has come to. I want to have a successful business built on good relationships, honest business and personal interactions, and a good standing in high morals and virtue.

Am I being naive? Is this possible? Am I in the wrong area? Is it all business? Is it all corporate businesses?


I am pretty sure one of the two people I have managed to form a relationship with at work left today... I do not know if it was her choice or not... and I have no details... I just know that because of my damn caring nature and ability to read people I accidentally got myself put into the situation a little bit without the right or ability to ask any questions and its so frustrating. I do not want to lose my only potential friend at work... when I am already having such a hard time finding reasons and ways to stay happy.

I just want to go back to being the happy person I usually am... I hope I can make that person a full time part of my life... and not someone that goes sulking away every morning when I walk through those doors....

There is still so much more reeling through my head... but I worry how much I should and should not share on here. I do not want to get myself in trouble, or have any questions raised about me or my loyalties... Again, I just want to be happy at work... and sadly right now I am not feeling that too much...

Here is to hoping for a brighter future... and working hard every day to get there!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Paths Ahead

OK, so I am at a point in my career where I am looking for a change. Unfortunately, there are some circumstances at my current account that I just am not happy with, nor do I want to have to succumb myself to this negativity. I am a pretty happy person and found myself really becoming bitter, angry and overall grouchy. I truly hate that this is happening!

But the hard part is my job is at least talking about getting me into a marketing position, which is something I really want and think I will succeed at. However, this change has been "in effect" for at least two weeks and the amount of marketing I have gotten done is probably less than I was doing before. And for the rest of the semester (at the minimum) if it ever actually transforms I am still supposed to be responsible for things in the cafe. Basically my job responsiblities have doubled, but my pay and status have not really changed.

So do I stick around till next school year for a brand new cafe, hopefully a full marketing manager/director position, but still dealing with all of the incredible amounts of negativity that surrounds me when I am there.

Now I am at the point with this company that I can look into transfer to different accounts or sectors... but there are things in general about the company that I personally do not like... maybe even disagree with. But are these things important enough to me that I would walk away from a good company with a lot of growth opportunities. But in order to be in an area I find appealing I would have to stay in operations and walk away from the marketing opportunity sitting in my lap.

And then there is the question to just move on altogether. But I am worried that my experience is not focused enough in the marketing world to find something that will allow me to move forward, versus backward in my career path. I feel like there are so many things I still need and want to learn.

This desire to learn.. go back to school... is one of the few side reasons that make me want to stay with the company I am with now, because they will give me money each year toward school... and i just have to give them a year of service after I complete the course. So I could have my Masters by sticking with the company for another couple years... Also, I have to worry about health benefits, because of my previous health conditions I can NOT let my lapse at all. Obviously, there is a grace period before you can get insurance with a new company... and I am not sure of all the rules with Cobra health benefits when you leave a company... I guess its something to look into.

And then there is the question of if I leave, what kind of jobs do I look for. What is my niche? What in the marketing area am I really great at? Is there another company that just needs an all around marketing manager, that handles events, promotions, social media, etc.

I guess those would be my three main areas of focus. Hoping/Providing the company doesn't want online experience, HTML background, and things of those likes, which I keep seeing a lot for in my preliminary searches.

Plus, you have to think that as a marketing person, what can I do, that is out of the ordinary, that will make me stick out, make me be the one they choose. These days a typical resume does not get you very far. And how else do you show your personality true and true through one of two pieces of paper... Even better how do you show your quirkiness without coming off like a 5 year old. Because honestly I think one of my best qualities is that I can have fun doing just about anything and can lighten a situation because I am silly. But where is there room for that in the business world? Where will I fit in?!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

All the Marbles

So one of my roommates and I... I have five... a big change for me, but a topic for another time...
Anyways, we were talking the other day and came across an interesting topic she's learning about in her Masters Macroeconomic class. Is it more economically profitable to find your niche to focus on and then outsource everything else... and if so, how far can you take that example. We got on to the subject of house updates and chores... which ultimately got way out of hand in the realm of excuses to keep us from having to do things... but it really made me think...

What exactly is my niche, what am I great at, what is my singular greatest passion??? I have a many talents and interests, but I feel like there are very few things that I go out of my way to know everything about? I love gymnastics, but I do not follow gymnasts or the sport... the same with pole... I never get so involved with music that I would be able to point out the guitarist of my favorite band... or most times even know his name.

Similar thoughts go into my career. What are the things that define me and my career path. What is my personal brand? Honestly, I was reading an article today about personal brands and realized I am totally lost in what mine is. I am not sure if that is because I do not have a business to brand, but I am a marketing person so I should be able to figure this out!

I guess my brain is fried from being over worked with two jobs, multiple moves, health craziness and generally just trying to figure out my life and my next steps.

Well I am working on things slowly I guess further pondering and exploring the aforementioned problems can get added to my list of goals for the future.

Just to keep my random thoughts rolling here are some more of the goals I thought up...

Increase Vocabulary
Read at least one book a month
Utilize the technology at hand to get more organized (schedules, to-do's, appointments, etc.)
Use my marketing skills toward my career
Call a friend or family member at least once a week
Take a closer look at relationships and evaluate which are worth putting time into and which are not
Be Healthy - in all aspects and decisions -- be balanced
Invest in the good things in life and let the negative and bad things fall to the wayside
Make the most of my time... explore places and meet new people -- make connections
Find a passion! Follow it to wherever it takes me
Learn more and put focus into learning my religion
Learn more and take an interest in politics... at least the basics.

I am sure there are more... but this is a pretty good start I think.