Monday, January 19, 2015


Many of you are probably unaware that one of the first things I do most mornings is read Seth Godin's Blog. It jump starts my brain, makes me think, and gives me a positive start to the day. 

A few days ago he was talking about one of his people's failures - she promised to blog for 30 days straight... and stopped at 29... she failed! This inspired her to create a movement and get a whole bunch of people to come together and blog for 7 days straight -- share their thoughts -- and hold each other accountable, in some sense.

Here is is 11:41 on the first day, and I nearly already gave up and failed the challenge.

I am kicking myself in the ass a little bit because today my goal was to write a blog post for my business and instead of sticking to it (I started it) I let other things distract me and take prescience. And now I am letting this challenge win out, too. But I think that is ok. I am sitting here sharing my thoughts, and I know that there is always tomorrow to write about how to clean out the clutter in the coat closet. Perhaps, I will really challenge myself and try to write TWO blog posts a day for the rest of this week... one for me and one for my business.

Do I have enough to say? Am I motivated enough? Do I find myself worthy enough?

How do we let these questions identify us and who we become. I was almost not motivated enough. I almost let myself believe that what I has to say was not important enough to share. So I am doing it anyways. I know better and I am going to prove that to myself.

Life is full of contemplation, one that I hope to stop soon, is whether or not I am good enough, if I can make a difference, if I will be able to change the world... I should have no doubts... Change can be exponential - If you change one person's life today and that person changes one person's life tomorrow, and down the line - your one act, word, etc can make the difference in this world.

So stop being afraid, starting shouting out, and be sure to be heard - today, tomorrow, and forever. Let your voice, your heart and soul, leave their print on this world. its #YourTurn

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