Sunday, January 4, 2015

I bid thee a gracious farewell, 2014!

So as has been part for the case over the life of this blog... it has been awhile. I think I was nervous to share what has been going on with me for fear that it was actually real, perhaps?

This afternoon as I was kicking my own ass out of a depressive state that I have been in over the last few days I started to reflect over this past year, and I must say its been pretty interesting.

I started it off in true typical fashion bringing in the New Year celebrating with Michele. I celebrated a birthday with a collection of pretty amazing people. I celebrated the year anniversary of quitting an awful boss and making the most difficult decision of my life. I fell completely in love with Snowboarding, and refell for Grand Lake, CO. I made and ate/drank lots of wonderfully amazing food and beverages. I was named the Leasing Consultant of the Year, won District Table Topics Competition in Toastmasters, and was offered two pretty awesome jobs from two different sets of friends. Thanks to the job I picked I was able to hold ONLY one job for the first time in my adult life. I opened a business! I had two awesome visitors (Travis and Uncle Pete), saw soo many amazing concerts, sporting events, and such. Visited Wyoming and Washington - finally meeting my pretty awesome friend Jeremy. I did some climbing and a little bit of running, I even started weight lifting again. I had my own place. I saw my "Big Bro" tie the knot and finally saw Block Island. I went paragliding and camping. I contributed to a few great causes. Purchasing a motorcycle set me free in so many ways. Christmas came early to CT with a total surprise for Michele's 30th and then made a quite and serene stop in CO as I celebrated my first Christmas by myself and away from home. I have made so many great connections and friendships that I hope to continue to build and strengthen and add more to the collection.  Self exploration, development, and actualization has been an ongoing and very important part of this year that I foresee flooding over into the rest of my life.

Some of my nearest and dearest friends experienced losses that I could not be there to provide the support I wanted. I went through quite a few trials and tribulations with my health and the struggle to understand what was happening in my body. I ended three different relationships. I fought with both of my parents. I left Boulder. I had to resort back to getting roommates. I kind of failed at my job and have to take multiple steps back, yet again.

When you look at all the good compared to the not so great, I will say 2014 was a pretty decent year. I am thankful for lots of growth, a magnitude of amazing adventures and opportunities and the ability to regularly push myself to learn more, give more, and be a better me everyday.

I love you all and look forward to sharing in some great adventures with you in 2015 and on.

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