Saturday, April 12, 2014

Putting in a Little More Effort

Putting in a little more effort does not just go for this post, but life in general. The last few weeks have been pretty stressful, blah, and left me feeling out of touch. With all of the simultaneous changes... new job with complete different working life (HUGE CHANGE), worrying about a new health insurance plan, having to start thinking about moving in August, new roommate (after not having one for 2 months), post visitor from home blues, etc... I think I just shut down.

Thankfully, I am the type of person that notices these things about myself. Now I know I need to get help for a lot of the things going on right now, especially health wise, but with new insurance starting May 1st, it would be financially unwise to start seeing or go to a current doctor since my current deductible hasn't been met yet (although I am sure I am very close already) and it would all just be out of pocket expenses. So what is a month...

A slight varied version of that same question is currently applying to multiple areas of my life. Example: My lease is up at the beginning of August and I need to find a new home. So my roommate search ended up being much less thorough than usual because I was kept saying, "What is four months?" New roommate is nice enough, it is just his first time ever moving out of his childhood home... and he turns 21 tomorrow, so he is still VERY young. There are little things as always... he leaves ALL of the lights on in the house! Thankfully, after a same talk he is at least getting better with that. He is SUPER paranoid. We live in probably one of the safest towns ever and in a VERY safe neighborhood... yet he will close and lock the windows and doors every time he leaves. I just figure if someone wants my stuff that bad they are welcome to it, I have renter's insurance.

Ah and this move!! It is very hard decision to make of where I want to be. A very big part of me wants to find a one bedroom in a town half way between Denver and Boulder to make my sales calls easier. But if that is the case then I definitely want to be in a place with good amenities like a pool, gym, common area with wifi, etc. Lately, however, I keep visiting all of these adorable little places and think how nice it would be to get a small two bedroom home in a quaint little neighborhood where I can become a local somewhere lol. OO decisions, decisions!

The next couple months example is with Nitro. I really love working there, but as of late it is more a waste of my time than anything. We are having to cut off a lot of people a lot earlier than we normally would and kick them out because the liquor board is on a rampage in downtown. Which is having a VERY serious negative affect on my tips. This in conjunction with me moving I have put in my last day as July 31. Sometimes it seems soo close and other times it seems soo far away. I really love the people I work with and will undoubtedly still hang out with them... but I am so happy at the prospect to not have to work until 3am!!

The new job is going great. I love my team and they are very helpful and supportive. The software is frustrating me a bit, but I think this will also be helpful to the team for ways to simplify it for our end users. The very exciting part is that I can use the software at this job to help me with the part-time marketing job that I have! What a wonderful added benefit! There seem to be so many. I am so thankful they are taking a chance with me and greatly look forward to jumping in and getting my feet wet and helping to grow this business. The working from home part is definitely a reason I want the common area with wifi or the second bedroom while apartment searching. I have discovered that I really need to set a time and place for my work and stick to it. Although, I did work from a cafe the other day and that was pretty nice... maybe I will work that in one day a week for some variety.

Then there is the addition of Logan into my life. What a fun and interesting adventure this as been. I swear life will never let me work on one thing at a time. I saw I am only going to focus on my health... all of a sudden I have two jobs that land in my lap and a pretty awesome guy. Things are still very fresh and there is a lot of getting to know each other that needs to be done and who knows it has serious relationship potential. But, it has been great getting to know him so far, spending time with him, and having someone to do stuff with.

On some other random notes:
1) I bought a month's worth of parkour classes and open gyms. I am thoroughly not surprised at how out of shape I am. But it is a blast and the owners offered me a free trial of aerials!
2) Once I am down with this month of parkour I have a month of aeiral classes at another gym I am planning on utilizing.
3) The new roommate used to be a pole instructor so I am hoping he will help motivate me to get back onto the pole.
4) I am kicking butt in Toastmasters - on track to get my Competent Communicator and Leadership Manuals completed before June 30, which is really great for my club.
5) Additionally in Toastmasters, I have no won the club, area, and division Table Topics speech contest and will be performing at the District Conference in MAY!
6) I am soo excited to come home at the end of May -- party at my aunt and uncles Friday night, helping with the Big, Big Show Sat am, wedding Sat night, Block Island all day Sunday, fly back home Monday! Its going to be great!!
7) I really hope some more people come to visit me!

Ok I am losing focus so I guess I am down for today! Have a great one! Until next time...

Friday, April 4, 2014

Pre work quick update

As promised here is an update and recap.

Travis visit was awesome!
We stayed up entirely too late Friday night catching up a bit. Saturday we headed to The Buff for breakfast because how can you not introduce your friends to mimosas and bloody Marie's on tap?? That was followed up with an interesting food convention. That was followed by a nice pub tour of boulder. Sunday was a bit of snow boarding followed by a lot of relaxing. It was a beautiful day. Monday night we did saw a couple breweries and Tuesday we tested out the fat shack... So good and bad at the same time. Wednesday was Travis' last day in town so we people watched at red rocks, checked out a tiny little brewey in golden, hit up the casino and then had dinner in Ned. All in all it was a great visit and I am so thankful he came to visit!

On other fronts. I had my last day at work. It kind of came and went without much muss and fuss. I finally found a roommate. He is young!! First time out if his parents house but he seems nice enough, works a lot. And the best part is he used to teach pole fitness so I'm hoping he will help me get my ass back into shape. Along those same lines I bought a groupon for parkour classes and open gyms and another one for aerial so let's do this thing. And finally on this quick update before I have to go sling drinks... I am seeing someone. His name is Logan, he is 31, 6ft4 and an absolute sweet heart. He is in the  process of opening a hot sauce company with his brother, and then works at two of the bars downtown. Still in the beginning stages, but it's nice so far. An on that note, I finish my wine and head into work. Till next time!