Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I finally got a job offer and took it. And I know some might be wondering after reading previous posts if it is a job I want, and that I can grow in or if it is just something I took because it was there.

Well I believe that it is something that I really want to do and can be good at.

I accepted a leasing/service coordinator position with an apartment community in downtown New Haven.

The job is very multi-faceted which is what I truly need. I get to create, build, and strengthen relationships with a variety of people. The company is also excited to have my background in guerrilla marketing to help add a different edge to our business.

I start the first week of November, after a lovely tonsil surgery. I am very excited, to have a something new to look forward to. I cannot wait to jump head first into this great opportunity and make myself a place in this world.

However, I still want to sit down and establish a laundry list of sorts of the skill sets I need and already possess to eventually one day open my own restaurant and music venue. (If anyone has any advice or input on this, I would greatly appreciate it.) When I last spoke with one of my most influential college professors a couple weeks ago this was her suggestion. This new position is definitely something that I think I will enjoy for awhile, and will give me plenty of experience. However, I also want to keep my future goals in mind. I want to make sure I am keeping my eyes open for opportunities to gain, improve, and renew skill sets that will be essential to my success later down the road.

So here is to the future - and the present

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! You need to get on Under30 more!