Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I am officially getting some where. Interviews and emails are involved, and I am happy just to have some progress.

I have an interview on Friday with a consulting firm for a glorified admin position, but there is room for growth, marketing related tasks, and high involvement with a variety of different people. Big bonus its a smaller up and coming company.

Next week I have an interview with a corporate restaurant for an entry level management position, which would not be bad because I really do love the restaurant business... minus not having weekends off...

And I had a couple initial email requests for my information with a few companies.

Also, I took the time today to get in contact with the career services at Bryant. I am now on the Job Source weekly email list. And a part of a Alumni Career Link, which is a basic networking forum to speak with different alumni in a variety of fields for information interviews, info about their companies and experiences, job shadowing possibilities, and other such things. I also sent my resume in to be critiqued by some professionals.

My Uncle is sending me to a Seth Godin seminar in October, which should be ... eye opening if nothing else.

Typing it all out I felt like I had been much more productive, but I am not discouraged. Here's to the fight!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What I Want In A Career

After some careful analysis of my personality, and reading through an assessment of myself (thanks to JobFox) I had really come to a better conclusion of what I am looking for in my new career.

- Change: I am not the kind of girl that can sit behind a desk all day and be happy, especially if you are doing the same very thing day in and say out

- Interaction: I need to be able to speak with and have the opportunity to exchange ideas with a variety of different people. I am ok to not constantly be surrounded by people (as I am happy with working individually), however, inevitably I would like the opportunity to be a part of a team in some way, shape or form.

- Challenges: I am the type of person that likes to excel (at pretty much everything I attempt). I need that source of challenge in my life to keep me motivated and push me toward success. I do not want to feel bored in my position on a regular basis. I thrive in fast-paced, multi-tasking environments, and hope for such.

- Responsibility: I truly enjoy knowing that the outcome of success lies majorly in my hands. Or at least knowing that I have a part in it. As much as I know when to take the back seat when working in teams, I am more often than not the one to set-up and make things happen. I would like the chance to prove myself. To even have other teammates and peers rely on my.

- Acknowledgment: I do not need a pat on the back for everything I am doing well. However, when something big comes along that is done efficiently and effectively it is important that I know so. Not only does it boost my esteem and confidence, it heightens my desires to continue doing things to the best of my ability.

- Feedback: While very similar to acknowledgment, this includes the positives and negatives. If I am not working up to par, or could be doing something a little bit differently to make things better, I want to know. It is very important to me to be working to the best of my abilities, and to learn how to go above and beyond those abilities. So regular feedback, formal and informal are very important.

- Casual Work Environment: This is not so much in the sense of dress, but more the attitude. I am a very open-minded person and hope to work with others like me. Although, I also do feel it is very important to all have varying views and personalities. Very few new and exciting ideas will consistently come from a group of people who are all too similar. Plus where does friendly debate and broadening horizons come into play.

- Ability to Learn: This is potentially my biggest concern and the only real attribute that I have been looking for thus far. At this point in my life I do not feel like I am learning enough. Being practically fresh out of college, I feel as if my brain was just let to sit. This is sincerely bothersome. Whether through constant training, tuition reimbursement, or any other means I hope to be learning something new on a consistent basis. Whether it be about the job it self, a new product or customer, or about some other random happen stance in the world. I want to be fed information until I explode.

- Opportunity for Advancement: This is also one that I had previously thought about, especially being that I am simply serving and bartending at the moment, I of course would like to move up in the world. I mostly started thinking about this need in a new career when I was offered a position as an Activities Director with a Housing Community. There was no where to go from that position, except from working the night shift to taking the day shift director's position. Now to some it might be great to come in at the top. However, I know that there is a chain, and I have NO problem working my way up that chain, learning all the ins and outs as I make my way. Granted I would like the movement (even if it is sometimes on the same level versus moving directly up) to be at a reasonable pace; I do not want to wait five years for my first promotion.

No those are nine solid things to hope to find in a career (in my opinion). The next part is to start looking for them. Or at least in my position to figure out how to go about looking for such attributes.

Signing out.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Job Fox

My Uncle Peter - is my saving grace when it comes to my job hunt... constantly sending me information and websites and blogs and and the newest thing - JobFox...

That is my new profile. Please check it out and let me know what you think. As said before I can use all of the help I can get.

Here is to hoping. And I know I have to get much better at the keeping up with my posts.