Monday, October 12, 2015

Feeling Stuck

Have you ever just felt stuck?

I feel like I am at the crossroads in soo many different points in my life, and am lost, stuck, afraid, excited, overwhelmed, and blah blah blah. There is so much going on in my head... for what feels like the first time, I am frozen. Normally, this is just something I would push and muscle through. I would just take action, any action... and move forward in any direction.

The hardest part for me right now, is I do not want just any direction. I want the right direction. And I am trying to decide if that is my perfectionism getting in the way, or if it is positive that I am slowing down for a little bit to decide what the right next step is.

I feel exhausted... I feel run down... and I feel there is no doubt that I will make this happen... I am just worried about the how. I know i need to give that up to God. Just work on what I am good at. Work on what I know works.

Ugh I have no idea what to do with myself right now... what to do with my business, how to make it work, where I want to take it.

I want it to be great. I want to do wonderful things, I want to change the world...

And then I want to lay in bed and sleep for days. ...

Well this is an unfinished post from yesterday... normally, I would just delete it or leave it in forever edit mode... but in an attempt to be vulnerable and let people in, take it as it is.

Here is to Monday and starting off with more pzazz!