Sunday, September 14, 2014

Holy Crow Where Did The Time Go??

Things have been absolutely hectic over the last few months and I just completely got lost in my self and life.

I am trying to get back to my goal charts and what not, hence this random last minute Blog post out of no where.

I am in new my place, and I really love it. Pole is set up in the office/exercise room... going to force myself to get on it next week. Projector is set up in the living room above my fire place. Little grill and table and chairs are set up on the balcony. And my little window seat over looking the day care center is one of the few places I get decent reception in the house.

I am officially only working ONE job! How crazy is that?!?! I still need to make a sale... things have changed a bit since I started, but we are figuring it out. I think this week will be the changing point as I am getting a lot of information from the team and outside sources that will help me do amazing things. I have high hopes and expectations of myself and am know once I get some more things figured out, I will be able to rock this.

The Buick was giving me all sorts of stupid problems once again... so I got pissed and posted it on craiglist as kind of a hmph I will show you kind of response; and forgot that I did it... then I started getting people texting me about the car. I had a mechanic look at it and he told me if someone wanted to give me more than $2000 for it, take it and run! It needed a bunch of work (I managed to get some of it done for free before I sold it, so I didn't feel so creepy.) So I took the money and ran... Which let me pay off the $8000 portion of the loan I took for the Car in Feb of 2013 which felt pretty awesome. Now I just have the credit card portion to pay back down... hopefully to be complete by this time next year...

With some of the money I went and bought my first motorcycle after a full decade of having my motorcycle license. Its a 2006 Honda Rebel - little 250cc engine, but it fits me nicely, especially for a first bike. It is in pretty great shape, so there should be no reason that I cannot recoup the money I paid for it, if I want to sell it and trade up next season.

I know some of you think I am crazy and are wondering about what I am going to do for a car. Well in October a friend of mine who is in the Guard is headed to Guantanamo Bay, so she is going to sell me her car for super cheap. Ideally, it will get me through the whole year and by this time next year, I can either give it back to her, or trade it in for a new to me car.

Some other awesome things... I bought my first set of snowboard gear -- still need to buy a pass, but might need to wait until my first commission check for that... we shall see. Snow making starts in about 2 weeks though, so I feel like I need to figure it out much sooner rather than later. I invested in this great seminar entitled 6 Figures in 12 Months, which is part of what I know is helping me turn things around at work, plus I have all of this awesome information in my pocket for when I eventually want to start my own business.

I have a bunch of reading I want to do to and set up in the Kindle. I also decided to apply to help with the hospice patients across the street. I feel like I need to start giving back. I have a book to read, to get a better idea of what I am in for, but I figured it would at least look into it. OO and I also, am participating in my first Fantasy Football Team. It has been pretty exciting so far. And I am in charge of my first Contest in Toastmasters. I feel like I am in a little over my head as I only gave myself 2 weeks really to plan it, find help, etc. but working under pressure is always fun.

I am a little bit ill today, so that is about all I have... I am ready to go curl back up in bed with lots of covers. Might have to go invest in some Sleepy Time Tea tomorrow.

OO and lastly, I really want to start Traveling and there have been some amazing deals online for tickets... so if you want to go somewhere, meet me somewhere, etc lets talk abd plan something together. I do not really have the money for it, but I also know life is short and sometimes you just need to have fun. Besides my credit is pretty kick ass, I just got approved for the BLACK CARD!! Granted I need to tell them to go kick rocks with their $500 annual on a $5000 limit -- I thought the Black Card had no limit...tricksters.

Woohoo just earned $2 toward that pass! Have a great night!