Saturday, July 5, 2014

Life Moves Faster Than We Think

Holy Crow -- Once again I had to look back to see just how long it has been since I have posted... and wow... 2 full months to the day almost... Craziness. Time flies when you're having fun I guess.

So many things have happened, are going on, and are on the way to change it is hard to even know where to start. So here goes nothing...

- I was offered a raise and promotion of sorts at the new job. I am now responsible for the sales and marketing. This includes being responsible for the financial well-being of the company, selling the software, and then selling the service we are still in the midst of figuring out. It is fun and exciting and challenging. I am working from home, doing a bunch of networking, and learning a lot in many realms.

- My last day at Taft was in June. It kind of seems weird to be ending a 6 year business relationship, but I am happy to be moving on. Mostly because I kept forgetting to do the work and it was causing me all sorts of extra, unnecessary stress. Of course, Lisa (my boss) asked me if I really wanted to give it up, and to at least consider coming back once I am settled... haha

- I am technically done with the club, but they are very short on staff, so I got asked to work yesterday, which was fine. I really enjoy working at the club, it is always entertaining and I love the people I work with. Plus the money is pretty decent. But the prospect of no more working till 3 am and only have one job really is awesome!

- So what am I going to do with all of this freedom?? Try to not completely fill my schedule back up! lol I keep thinking about going back to play with the puppies, teaching gymnastics, volunteering with my networking groups. There are so many things I want to do, but I first need to figure out my routine with the job, start making some sales and get into a groove. So really I will be focusing hardcore on myself and my new career.

With that being said let's jump into SELF:

- Due to some recent unhappiness with where I am at mentally, physically, emotionally, etc... I started a crusade to get myself all moving in the positive direction my career is going. I started physical therapy again for my shoulders (and have actually been trying to keep up with it). I have been getting out on my bike a couple times a week. A friend of mine put together a work out schedule for me. I am starting kick boxing classes. I have been seeing a therapist (although I apparently am not medically in need so that isn't going to last very long... thank you kaiser). I dished out an exorbitant amount of money to get some special blood testing and to work with nutritionist to really figure out my diet issues. So starting Tuesday (I already had dinner plans on Monday that I did not want to skip) I will be back on yet another elimination diet. I will be exercising. And most importantly I will be keeping track of all of this. It sounds exhausting. But I am determined to feel good and get myself on track.

- I have set a goal that for my 30th birthday in February I want to submit photos to INKed Magazine of my tattoos, which means I have to be fit and feeling great... So LET'S DO THIS! Ideally I would like to have a little bit more work done, but that all depends on how awesome I am kicking but at work or not.


- Logan and I put things on hold. We are both on two amazing paths of growth, but they are just on different planes. He is pretty amazing and we are still going to hang out and what not, but in order for us both to get where we want and need to be, it is for the better right now. Who knows what can happen down the line :-)

- My lease is up Aug 5, I just put in my notice to leave my apartment complex. With the new job I am driving all over the place and being in Boulder is becoming difficult on my mental stability with all the traffic. Plus my car is not so happy about it either. I have been looking for a two bedroom apartment for myself because I need an office. It can sometimes be difficult to work at home as distractions are so easily available. I figure if I can lock myself into a room, I will be much better off. Finding an apartment, however, if turning out to be quite difficult, so now I am contemplating finding a roommate and renting an entire house... now if only I could find someone who was clean that I get along with and wouldn't mind sharing a house with... Any takers?? Side note: I am so not looking forward to moving again! I think this is why the house option is appealing to me, maybe I would stay longer...

- Some cool things: I went paragliding, which was pretty awesome. Had my first Colorado camping trip and had a blast (might need to go buy some gear soon). Already putting my Elitch's pass (amusement park in Denver) to good use - been three times so far and cant wait to go again. Went to my first Rockies game, sooo lame! Colorado seriously has no idea how to do baseball! Did my first hike of the season the other day. Tonight I am checking out the drive-in theater for the first time. And tomorrow I am going on my first bike ride brewery tour :-)

Well I think that is all the major stuff... I have officially been distracted falling in love with houses... Bagh this is going to be a very interesting month... Hopefully I will do a better job at keeping you updated through out the process. Until next time <3 p="">